MDRT Store?

I was perusing some of the items in the mdrt store that looked interesting, but I found some reviews of some of the items on amazon as very basic or generic.

Have you ever found anything worth buying over there (besides OCS by Al Granum)??

Appreciate the replies.
If you wanted OCS, get it from National Underwriter. Tell them you're a MassMutual agent (they have no way of knowing if you really are or not), and you can get the whole thing for about $75 (including the textbook), instead of $300+. You'll get a blue MassMutual planner instead of the OCS green one (practically identical), but you'll have it all.

But with the MDRT store specifically... the only thing of value that I ordered was the Sales Masters Series of John Savage. I really should get more of these - like with Ben Feldman, and Van Mueller.

Some meeting presentations have been pretty good, like:
- Capturing the Business Market - Marvin H. Feldman, CLU, ChFC
- Break Through to the Business Market - Helen A. Jenkins, DipPFS (The "Company Will" is a neat concept)
- How to work a room - Bhupinder Anand
- Increasing the Efficiency of Retirement Income - Tom Love (advanced uses of life insurance)
- Climbers, Campers, and Commitment - Glenn Mattson (Sandler Training)
- Staying Focused During Times of Adversity - (Don't remember his name, but it was a steady MDRT producer whose daughter was raped while at college.)

Some (most) of these are older, so you can't order them off the website anymore.

But that really shows the value of MDRT - hearing from real producers in their own words. And you can order presentations on whatever topic you're looking for, for about $10 each.

For the cost of 1 annual MDRT membership, you could order 100 presentations, stay home, and avoid all the commercial products being promoted.
lol getting back in the business after a 20 plus yr hiatus and pulled out all my plagues from all my insurance co's and made court of the table in 1990 and top of the table in 1991 and the court of the table plague today is the same one i have. I was amazed as top of the table takes $1 mil in commissions now. in 1991 i believe it was 250k or so or it might have been 500k
The MDRT Objections Handbook, Million Dollar Prospecting Techniques, MIllion Dollar Selling Techniques, Million Dollar Closing Techniques, and 22 Keys to Success: How to Make It Big in Financial Services are all worth reading but you can buy them cheaper through
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