- 7,145
Stop already. Please
Jimmy, I'm sorry. Rick has been on my case since the 2nd or 3rd day I've been a member of the forum, posting in the consumer section.
I have gone so far as to take down an incendiary post I made about him "above the line" in the agent's section.
At one point he went so far as to make a comparison about me in relation to another poster that painted me, in what for him, were glowing terms.
I have apparently now done something to threaten his sense of wellbeing, and lost my grace period, because he is now back on the attack.
greensky and FLM2 are both making statements in direct contradiction of factual information from CMS, NAIC and the Medico insurance company. They are justifying these statements on the basis that one could not present the factual information as provided by those authorities to a customer because of the potential for lawsuits and carrier discipline. A statement about how something can or cannot be safely or effectively presented to a customer is not something I am in a position to agree or disagree with. However, what has been determined by experience to be an effective customer presentation, within the framework of CMS legal guidelines does not change the specific details and requirements of the guidelines themselves.
Not comic relief.. Compared to me, Rick is just a young 'un. Come July I will celebrate my 46th anniversary in the business at the grand old age of 72. Rick has always treated me well and he is my up-line with Washington National..
Thank you for saying those things. I appreciate the frame of reference.
It is truly amazing the different faces people can present to others or in different situations. Rick has been on my case from close to the first time I started posting here in the consumer section. At least three times I have thought I should change that opinion, but each of those times within a very close timeframe to that decision he has chosen to do something that impacted me in negative way so I made different decisions.
Unfortunately this particular thread situation is going to continue a bit longer because greensky and FLM2 want to have both sides of the coin as it relates to me. They want to be able to freely criticize anything I say because I do not have the benefit of an insurance credential or insurance sales experience with my name. At the same time they want to "teach" me by telling me "facts" that directly contradict CMS and NAIC and then tell me that those "facts" are the actual CMS rules because their over 50 years combined experience show that is how one has to behave in the field. There is an additional statement in regard to HDF and F that the agents want to see from me, which I am perfectly willing to make when I see them ready to acknowledge that effective behavior in the field does not define the parameters of CMS rules, rather CMS rules set constraints on the effective behavior in the field.
While I think, or at least hope, there are some people in the forum I could have that conversation with, I don't think greensky and FLM2 are going to be 2 of them.
from FLM2
It is a High Deductible Plan F with its own set of benefits, just like a Plan C is exactly the same as Plan F except it doesn't cover Part B Excess Charges and just like Plan G is exactly like Plan F except that the Part B deductible must be paid out of pocket before benefits start.
This isn't rocket science...
In the real world, it's NOT Plan F. But I know you'll argue with me about it because you've never sold insurance which apparently makes you an expert.
And that would be Mr. Troll to you.
Dear Mr GreenSky, (no problem with Mr, just out of practice but that's how I was raised up) in the real world who trumps in the arena of Medicare supplements? The insurance agent/customer combo or CMS?
I am exchanging posts with 2 agents at a site called Insurance Forums. These two agents seem to believe that statements made based on their experience with their customers take precedence over statements made by CMS and other authoritative Medicare information sources.
Do you have any comments about that situation?
Thank you.
I would also make the comment that there are Part B services which do not have a deductible requirement, so it would be possible to have a part B item paid for before the Part B deductible is met.
I agree with the post above. This is my 40th year as an insurance agent. I'm relatively certain I know more about Medicare supplements than most other agents.
When a "civilian" argues with me that blah,blah,blah Medicare that it's time for me to realize I'm dealing with someone that won't listen and likely won't ever learn.
I'm not sure what your purpose on this forum might be but "troll" does come to mind.
I'm glad that Prick likes you. He needs a friend.
When I was in high school I had a date with an out of town girl one weekend. I found myself sitting in the normal gymnasium or similar type school gathering place with a bunch of kids I did not know. I had no idea what to do for conversation. I finally settled on taking jibes at some kids at another table. I got some laughs and got through the evening. Except for my date, I never saw any of those people again-at least to know who they were-and only saw my date a few more times. I have never felt right about that experience. The rest of those people continued school together and I am sure that some of them probably have continued at least intermittent acquaintance to this time.
People remember the oddest things. While I have no memory of what I said, I wonder sometimes about what damage I might have done to one person's perception of another in that situation. I know that I have made remarks to a boss that have caused someone to get fired, and I know I have made remarks to another sales person that caused them to leave the selling field. I can look back from those and just wonder what damage I might have done in that school gym that evening.
I have no idea why you feel the need to present the crust and guff you have to the world or to have the avatar you have. I can only say to you that in my own life anger based attitudes and expressions have had deleterious effects on my marriage relationship, my mental health and my physical health. I truly hope that some small miracle will happen in your own life that will allow you to move on from those attitudes before they affect your life in some significant and unanticipated way.