MEDICARE ADVANTANGE is a bad business

Medicare is highly regulated and violated more than the regulations it has, these regulations only benefit call centers. After 5 years in the MEDICARE Advantage market, disillusionment with the business is total. I discovered that successful agents in MAPD are not successful because they provide a service to seniors, they are successful because they have developed a methodology to steal and change policies and plans to clients of other agents, many do not even have a license, they just do the job.

The worst thing is the carriers themselves, who, like UHC, have a department of agents dedicated to calling your clients for the same purpose. Therefore, even if the client requests her agent, the company makes it impossible. They even call them with the excuse of checking if they received the new card. "They know it was never issued," but that's how they prospect. Many clients call you, but others fall into the trap.

This year the "Inflation Reduction Act" will make things even more difficult for the Medicare advantage market.
We still know very little how to eat or how everything written in those two pages of the IRAct will develop or implemented.

Now I understand what carriers often argue about "taking care of your clients", God, clients have many predators, most of them predators without professionalism or ethics. They only want to sell and the carriers themselves are your biggest competition.
During a claim call and even with me on the line, a UHC agent tried to change my client's plan, outside of the period and without excuses.

Are all the agents or all the carriers involved in this bad practice, of course NOT.
But I could say without fear of being wrong that more than 70% of the agents are not true professionals and I have only had that experience with one carrier, other agents have told me about some others. I have participated in countless meetings of MA and Carrier agents. and MA and FMO agents and I know what I'm saying, they tell their experiences of how to change clients and their strategies.
Worse when the biggest predators from ASIA are hired to make calls in the USA regarding MA throughout the year. My wife tells me that she receives around 20 calls a day in her office and clients have expressed their stubbornness about it.
LEADS sellers know this and sell and resell a LEAD countless times, you know the idea is to change the client and their plan, among themselves they negotiate the leads already negotiated on other opportunities and renegotiated with their victims, the agents. regardless of whether the sale was successful in any of its instances. The idea is the CHANGE of the client

YEAR after year you are forced to do an AHIP certification, where there are more regulations than in the constitution, regulations that are a dead letter, they are of no use.
AHIP should be replaced by a general ETHICS course and make things easier

Is that market competitive or unhealthy?

Is that market competitive or unhealthy?
Medicare is highly regulated and violated more than the regulations it has, these regulations only benefit call centers. After 5 years in the MEDICARE Advantage market, disillusionment with the business is total. I discovered that successful agents in MAPD are not successful because they provide a service to seniors, they are successful because they have developed a methodology to steal and change policies and plans to clients of other agents, many do not even have a license, they just do the job.

The worst thing is the carriers themselves, who, like UHC, have a department of agents dedicated to calling your clients for the same purpose. Therefore, even if the client requests her agent, the company makes it impossible. They even call them with the excuse of checking if they received the new card. "They know it was never issued," but that's how they prospect. Many clients call you, but others fall into the trap.

This year the "Inflation Reduction Act" will make things even more difficult for the Medicare advantage market.
We still know very little how to eat or how everything written in those two pages of the IRAct will develop or implemented.

Now I understand what carriers often argue about "taking care of your clients", God, clients have many predators, most of them predators without professionalism or ethics. They only want to sell and the carriers themselves are your biggest competition.
During a claim call and even with me on the line, a UHC agent tried to change my client's plan, outside of the period and without excuses.

Are all the agents or all the carriers involved in this bad practice, of course NOT.
But I could say without fear of being wrong that more than 70% of the agents are not true professionals and I have only had that experience with one carrier, other agents have told me about some others. I have participated in countless meetings of MA and Carrier agents. and MA and FMO agents and I know what I'm saying, they tell their experiences of how to change clients and their strategies.
Worse when the biggest predators from ASIA are hired to make calls in the USA regarding MA throughout the year. My wife tells me that she receives around 20 calls a day in her office and clients have expressed their stubbornness about it.
LEADS sellers know this and sell and resell a LEAD countless times, you know the idea is to change the client and their plan, among themselves they negotiate the leads already negotiated on other opportunities and renegotiated with their victims, the agents. regardless of whether the sale was successful in any of its instances. The idea is the CHANGE of the client

YEAR after year you are forced to do an AHIP certification, where there are more regulations than in the constitution, regulations that are a dead letter, they are of no use.
AHIP should be replaced by a general ETHICS course and make things easier

Is that market competitive or unhealthy?

Is that market competitive or unhealthy?

the biggest problem IMO is that is easy to make a sale but takes a lot of knowledge and compliance to sell it correctly.A monkey could take an inbound call and look at a screen to see what plan has the lowest copayment and close a sale and it is this monkey business that has ruined it for agents like myself who been in the medicare health plan business before it was even called medicare advantage.
Nice rant, all correct, the business can suck at times, the govt is worse.......but whatcha gunna dew abowt it

Or, just sell Med Supps and avoid the hassles. Best decision I ever made.
Yes...but don't you loose quite a bit to peeps who go with MA plans?
Nope. Maybe a few a year.
What I find amazing about this is based on your own words . It seems based on your posts over the yrs a great majority of your sups come from aca clients . I’m Willing to bet a vast majority of your aca clients get medium to heavy subsidies like all aca people . That these heavily subsidized people with low aca premiums would be receptive to paying $ 200-$300 a month for a sup and pdp is quite facinating .
What I find amazing about this is based on your own words . It seems based on your posts over the yrs a great majority of your sups come from aca clients . I’m Willing to bet a vast majority of your aca clients get medium to heavy subsidies like all aca people . That these heavily subsidized people with low aca premiums would be receptive to paying $ 200-$300 a month for a sup and pdp is quite facinating .
First, I can show you my magic tricks, but I charge a fee.

Second, half my clients pay full ACA premium and save $400 mo at T65. Or, they pay $200/mo w aptc for a shitty hmo with $7500 deductible. They are happy to T65 and pay $325 for OM w G with $240 ded with any doctor and no insurance hassles.

Or, they have wealth but can control income to get tax credits. That Game is over at age 65.
Or, they have a dreaded disease or condition and need dr choice and mayo clinic.

The question was, how many med supp clients do I lose to mapd? If current client on ACA silver CSR plan and they truly have low income and assets, then I refer to another mapd agent and I lose them at age 65. No loss to me.

A 3rd of my clients pay irmaa. 50% from referrals and 50% from Aca