- 19,579
Could you share with us how you eliminate the tire kickers..either on the phone or face to face?
I don't do any selling over the phone, so, I couldn't even begin to tell anyone how to do it.
I meet will potential clients face to face. Before I get into my presentation I do a "why" analysis. Why did you send this card in? Why am I here? There are times when I don't even go into a presentation at all if the person can't tell me what they want or why they scheduled with me. Those are tire kickers and I don't spend my time with them.
It's unusual to get to an appointment and find out that they are tire kickers. Most of those are weeded out during the attempt to set an appointment. But, I do occasionally get the one that mailed in a lead card and them agreed to an appointment that didn't want anything. You would think that their own time would be more valuable to them than to waste their's and mine.
I was in a house less than 5 minutes one day this week. When I asked the lady what her reason for sending in the card was, she couldn't tell me. I tried to help her and tell her why most people tell me they send it in and none rang a bell. I asked what she wanted and she said "nothing". I asked her why she scheduled the appointment and she said "I don't know". I thanked her for her time and moved on. I suppose I could forced the issue and maybe even gotten an app. It would surely lapse if I had.
People buy what they want, not what they need. Our job is to show them what they need and convince them that they want it. If they want it, they will find a way to pay for it. If they don't want it, the need will never win out.