Mortgage vs. Insurance?

Has anyone ever used or checked out the cost of a billboard? If you are set up correctly (good website, etc.), have an eye catching sign design and if it is placed in the right location - I think it could generate a lot of attention. It would certainly promote community involvement. It's just a thought - I have never heard it mentioned here before. Perhaps there is a good reason it has never been discussed before.


And look at saleswolf and his website and he is closing like five/six deals a day with self generated leads through his website....
That's awesome Healthagent you are tracking six figures. When do you think is average years to achieve that goal for six figure renewal income assuming I work average hard in this business?. Correct me if I'm wrong from what I read is you've been around for almost four years in this health insurance business...

Any health insurance agent should be submitting 10K a week in approved business. If not, then something isn't working. That's $500,000 for the year in volume with 5% renewals on average or $25,000 in renewals. In theory, 4 years later you're making $100,000 in renewals.

In reality you're gonna have people drop off however you're also gonna be flipping people to other carriers. Not all carriers even allow re-underwriting nor would it matter if new business rates can't save them any money. I'm calling clients going into year 3 right now and most want me to do whatever it takes to save them money. Most as in over 80%. You can't move everyone who wants to be moved due to health but I'm moving about 50% of them. That's all 1st year commission, so after 4 full years in the business there's no reason not to be making six figs off your current book.
Has anyone ever used or checked out the cost of a billboard? If you are set up correctly (good website, etc.), have an eye catching sign design and if it is placed in the right location - I think it could generate a lot of attention. It would certainly promote community involvement. It's just a thought - I have never heard it mentioned here before. Perhaps there is a good reason it has never been discussed before.

I have looked into Billboards as well. I have found them to be priced anywhere from 350.00 a month, to 4800.00 per month, depending upon location, and traffic counts. Some include the cost of production of the ad, others don't. Quotes for creating the ad, ran from 250.00 to 2500.00, depending on the content.
This is something else I've never pulled the trigger on. In my area there are a decent amount of State Farm agents and real estate agents on billboards which tells me the cost can't be that nasty. It's still dumping a lot of front money and obviously signing a contract for a period of time that scares me.

Just because your name's in from of huge amounts of people doesn't mean it's effective. We just used a real estate agent from a local office last year from Re Max. Some agent named Scott has his ad on every shopping cart in two huge grocery stores and I mentioned that to our agent. He laughed - said it was the office joke since he hasn't received a single call from those ads.

However, that's real estate. A health insurance ad on shopping cart would most definitely pull.
Hello everyone! I am new to the board . Any suggestions on how to grow your business? Where are good leads available? What is easier to sell life or health?

Yes. you are right Beleriand according to my thinking insurance is much advantageous . Any ways i do not have much knowledge about both so all of you please give me your views.
Mortgage can make you a lot more a lot faster. However, with the economy I might think of sticking to insurance and once things get better and you have some residual income then jump over to mortgages and make a killing in both.