Mortgage vs. Insurance?

Nice sharp angling there, insurance 007! LOL


I guess from what I read from these forums Doctor it seems like cold calling is the way to go. I noticed some longtime veterans here are still grinding and cold calling prospects and one figure they would be retired by now from cold calling and sit back and collect override checks monthly from all the clients!! I know there is an artrition rate but I read in posts that one insurance guy retired and he now sits back and collects residual income of 350k/year..
...... but I read in posts that one insurance guy retired and he now sits back and collects residual income of 350k/year..

and everything you read on the internet and in the paper is true..............

I have a script for a company I work for now B2B setting up appointments for a franchise. Pyramiding is simply by initially asking light/easy warm-up building repoire questions. For example, I met a nice chic at an associates office and I introduced myself and said " Hi " and asked her " how long you've been working for this company " and she said " 3 years ". I replied bluntly , " oh btw, can I call you sometime?". Well, she said I'm sorry I here to talk business only ". I'm use to rejection in sales, but my point is I did not build enough repoire by asking more questions. Off course there are other factors for her not giving phone number like/maybe I'm ugly( jk, lol).

If you have a script in call one or initial phone call, I'm willing to evaluate and give you my honest opinion.

Jeez, that's class with a capital K. Why didn't you just say "Hi, do you like to be on top or bottom."

Winter i was taught the A B C method. Always Be Closing!

He should have rebutted with another remark like, oh yeah, we all have business to take care off....let's have coffee later., ok?

Or that sharp angle method he used on Salpro.....come back with, so what are you doing after you take care of business?

remember, ABC
To the original post:

Both mortgage and insurance are extremely similar. Both involve a lot of prospecting and speaking to a lot of leads to close deals. Both also involve underwriting and the pay seems to be similar - a lot of money to be had if you're very good - off the bankruptcy court if you're not:-)

I have two very good friends who are mortgage brokers and have been trying to get me in for years. I've seen what they do an consider it to be a lot tougher than that I do. The sale and closing tactics needed are too heavy-handed and the people begging for a mortgage can't qualify. The ones with good credit have no sense of urgency and look into every detail of the loan agreement. Both of them are basically on the phone a solid 8 hours a day - which I could never cope with.

Also, the fact that my clients generate a stream of income for a long as they stay with me as their agent makes insurance a hands down winner.

Healthagent, thanks for info. and I'm going to test waters by telemarketing for a local agent here to see if this is what I want to do for my career. 1/15 or 20 closing ratio requires a lot of prospecting daily with those numbers unless you have a group of telemarketers woking for you. John, are you finger/manually dialing these numbers yourself because it is a pain manually dialing numbers?

Guys, I will be telemarketing soon for this local agent unless ya'll want to hire me as an independent contractor. Anybody? I have experience in prospecting in the mortgage business collecting applications and outside door to door sales. Thanks
You might start out calling yourself but in the end it's too time-consuming. Close even 1 out of 10 with 2 leads per hour generated is 5 hours on the phone for one deal. You'll have to farm it out.

B to B is much better to get off the ground. 2 hours of B to B is one deal and I'll put in 5 deals a week off 2 hours of B to B all day long. It's less mental effort to walk into a business with a flyer and say:

"I'm just leaving a flyer with you. If anyone here is interested I have a website set up for quotes on the newest health insurance plans." I'm in shorts, polo shirt and a call cap when I'm out there. Low key works.

That's it. The interested people engage you, the disinterested ones just say "thanks" but the flyer is still there and gets passed around. You'll generate 3 leads while at the businesses per hour and close 1 out of 5 - extremely high closing percentage. Then the flyer pulls another 2%.
I have a script for a company I work for now B2B setting up appointments for a franchise. Pyramiding is simply by initially asking light/easy warm-up building repoire questions. For example, I met a nice chic at an associates office and I introduced myself and said " Hi " and asked her " how long you've been working for this company " and she said " 3 years ". I replied bluntly , " oh btw, can I call you sometime?". Well, she said I'm sorry I here to talk business only ". I'm use to rejection in sales, but my point is I did not build enough repoire by asking more questions. Off course there are other factors for her not giving phone number like/maybe I'm ugly( jk, lol).

If you have a script in call one or initial phone call, I'm willing to evaluate and give you my honest opinion.

I do appreciate the offer, but there are enough scripts on this forum that I have posted. I'm more of a "follow these guidelines" when calling vs. saying the standard remarks to every person. You're more than free to critique the scripts I have posted on this forum.

It sounds like you are on the right track by testing the waters.