Moving to a warm and sunny place, any suggestions for a financial adviser?


New Member
My wife and I want to move out of the NE to a warm and sunny place. Now is the time for us to do it, because we have a child and soon it will be too late. We are looking into moving to Florida, Az, or texas, but are open to other places. I am self employed and don't mind starting up again. Still, I won't lose my main clients buy doing this. Does anyone know if these places would be a good place to start an insurance, financial advisery pratice? I want to target high net worth seniors and business owners.
I'm originally from Florida and it is very nice, of course. However, my understanding is that it is extraordinarily hard to do your state licensing there.

The last time I looked, on insurance licensing you have to be separately licensed in every county you plan to do business or provide seminars.

This is typical for Florida in general. It is very hard to transfer with a law license or to get into real estate sales. It is very protectionist and probably overcrowded in many professions because it is a desirable place to live.

I would guess the FLA is also very hard to get RIA approval.

Texas is more wide open and easier to get licensed. Arizona is, well, Arizona. You have to like heat and desert. I think I would also consider New Mexico. I really like it there and the diversity of climate from one area to another.
I'm originally from Florida and it is very nice, of course. However, my understanding is that it is extraordinarily hard to do your state licensing there.

The last time I looked, on insurance licensing you have to be separately licensed in every county you plan to do business or provide seminars.

Huh? Anybody that has trouble getting an insurance license in Florida is a moron that probably doesn't deserve one...we have enough bad practitioners here who DO have a license...

The county thing is only for non-resident producers...
"non-resident producers"

Ahh... that's what I ran into. I forgot. I was going to hit Alabama where I'm licensed and also do some business in the Florida panhandle. Florida was too much bother. This was several years ago.
Arizona is not too bad. It gets hot in the spring, summer and fall, but the month of winter is nice. There are plenty of people to work with out here, it just depends on if you can connect with them and their market. I work with one of the top Annuity salesmen in the country and he has his seminar/radio show gig down and never has a shortage of clients. I'm sure if you worked hard enough, anywhere would be a good place.
How about Bullhead City, Az? You have the ability of getting $1.99 buffets across the river in Laughlin, NV.

Or just move to NV. No personal or corporate income tax but the buffets are now $5.99 in Vegas.

Well, if you can handle living in an arid climate and using an umbrella to keep to sun off your face (don't want your nose to fall off from cancer), then Mohave county, AZ may be the place for you. Over 1 in 5 are aged 60-80.

Plus, close to LV, as Rick pointed out.