Mozy VS Carbonite VS Something Else?


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I have a Mac and a PC I work on and as it sits now I mostly just back everything up by gmail (all my work e-mails), google docs, and then I use time machine on the mac every now and again. I'm thinking it might make an awful lot of sense to go with something like Carbonite or Mozy instead, but does anyone else have any experience/thoughts/suggestions?
That looks awesome. Looks a little pricey for the amount of space I'd need, but I suppose it's a small price to pay for being able to get all my data if I chuck my laptop out a ten story building.
My biggest suggestion is to make sure you have something that just simply works, without any involvement on your part. For instance, Time Machine is great, but unless you set it up to run automatically, you will always forget to do it on a regular basis.

Mozy and Carbonite solve this problem, along with many others. I don't like my primary restore being offsite though, since a restore will take DAYS. I need to be up and running again in a few hours.

So, I back up all of my computers to a Windows Home Server box (about $300, or with my 4 Terrabytes of storage, about $450). Then I back that up offsite.

I figured I paid once just a bit more than it would have cost me for Carbonite for a year (multiple computers) but I've had it in place for 4 years and its worked wonders.

yes, I've even done 2 complete restores and countless file restores from it.

Backblaze is what you want. $5 per month unlimited data. I've had it for months now and I've yet to have any issues. However, your initial back up can take 3-4 months, so be warned. I had 2+ terabytes of data, but I don't know what you have. After that, you can set it to automatically backup your data and forget it.
I used to use Mozy until I actually needed to use it. It took 5 days to restore my system. It just wasn't worth it to me.

Now, I use Dropbox for main documents because they back up automatically and I can access them from any computer and my iPhone, along with twice a week total back up to an external drive. I set an alert on my phone so I don't forget. Kind of low tech but it works for me - lol. My friend used to rotate 2 external drives weekly keeping the latest version in a safe deposit box but it got to be too much of a hassle.
Take a look at Crashplan Plus as well. $5/month for unlimited, or $10/mo for the 'family plan' with up to 10 computers (the prices are lower if you pay for several years up front).
Take a look at Cloudzow , 15 day FREE trial $5 a month unlimited per PC , also will do MAC. They have an incredible affiliate program to make some good money on the side. I got the service last week and I love it.

Cloud Money
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If you are not interested in the affiliate side of it, here is the retail site 15 day Free Trial , no Credit Card needed ...the service is unreal for data back up and it is automated and unlimited.
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So, my next piece of advice, other than making sure the backups happen automatically......

Can anyone guess.....

If you are using a cloud service, make sure they will be in business when you need to do a restore!!!!!! Bottom line, $5 a month sounds good now, but its not a valid business model.
