My Experience with Autodialer, UPDATE.

If you turned $359 into $2000 - what are you complaining about?

Every now and then a number on the DNC gets through.

If you are getting 5 to 1 ROI - who would care?


Your argument makes no sense,sorry. My complaint is this. I paid for 60 leads and I only used a portion. What if I made another 3000.00 on the last 20. I didn't just lose 20 leads, I lost potential income,THAT I PAID FOR!! If you went to a restaurant and ordered a nice steak for $360 and they only brought you 3/4 of the steak, you complained, and then they said "that portion will still fill you up,why are you complaining", would you accept it?

Also they put me at risk for a $66,000 fine if everyone won a suit against me.
Ramiz just called me for the second time today and we have everything straight. He was very professional with me and it was the issue that I thought it was. It was far smoother than my call yesterday.
Ramiz just called me for the second time today and we have everything straight. He was very professional with me and it was the issue that I thought it was. It was far smoother than my call yesterday.

Wait a minute, wait a minute...

All that consternation...and then it's fixed...just like that?

Please, we feel that you owe us an explanation? What happened?
Wait a minute, wait a minute...

All that consternation...and then it's fixed...just like that?

Please, we feel that you owe us an explanation? What happened?

Here it is in a nutsell. He called me first thing this morning to get information like phone numbers,times, and dates. He told me he would do whatever he needed to do to make things right;with concern, I waited.

He called me this afternoon and told me what the issue was and that it was fixed. I had originally run out of numbers to dial in my local area and had requested a different area.The first set of numbers were scrubbed but the second set wasn't for some reason. He took full responsibilty and asked me what we make it right. We agreed on terms and it is taken care of.Our agreed upon solution was very generous. He was as nice as can be and it was much smoother than yesterday, but I'll consider yesterday water under the bridge unless it happens again.

I still don't see why most agents don't like these leads. I know people don't like to receive the calls but I will say that i got business that I wouldn't have otherwise.

There's a little lady in Lexington that is now insured if she dies who didn't have insurance. I would have never contacted her on my own.

There's a man in Churchville who didn't think he could get insurance, that won't die uninsured. I also wrote a policy on his wife. I wouldn't have had that business either. $149.00 dollars a month in premium.

I sold a policy to a lady on her way ou the door to go to church, in 15 miutes or so, over the phone.

I guess different strokes for different folks.