My Experience with Hometown Quotes

It is to test for nicotine or drugs. The agent does it themselves and mails it to ExamOne. It might have been lower than $100k, I cant remember the exact threshold now. It was also age based.

Ever wonder how many agents just marked nonsmoker and swab bed themselves?
Ever wonder how many agents just marked nonsmoker and swab bed themselves?

Yep. It was a running joke in the office... lol. I dont know if any agents actually did that, but I wouldnt put it past a few of them. Of course they would be risking their career and their clients coverage by doing that.


Yea, but dead guys don't smoke or drink or use drugs. ;)

Can't take a swab from a guy 6 feet under or in a urn. ;)

Yep. Im sure that if they DNA tested those they would all have come back to him!
I have been reading this forum for several years and am getting ready to make a moderate investment in HTQ.

From speaking with Bob's associate, Joe, my impression is that we are starting out a real good footing regarding "realistic expectations" from the transaction.

Still in disbelief over this "Zapp" character. I mean I have known know-it-all ex girlfriends that didn't have to have the "last word" as much as this guy, especially after you lost the argument pages ago.

To the curious, I can provide updates as my relationship with HTQ develops and provide feedback but considering the tenure on this forum I am pretty sure it will fall in line with what has been stated by the majority.

Being sued by a Carrier? And they decline to mediate? Whew. May want to call a BK lawyer. Think you are going to need it. :GEEK:
HometownQuote is the worst!

These are the common BS problems/experience based on 1500 sales rep in our company network.

- You can't chose your own filter yourself, it has be done manually by their service rep.
-99% of the leads are bogus, recycled, incentive driven, or Whitepage entered.

-If you ask them to update and remove too many zipcodes at once they will get mad at you and call you back to back and make you feel like you did something wrong.

- The sales reps (Regional Sales Director, wow, fancy title) they are just pathetic like a used car sales man.

- They will CLOSE your account and freeze your money and WILL NEVER REFUND YOUR MONEY.

-They've been saying that they are updating their "technology" for the last 3 years.

- Their leads are shared with more than 10 sales rep.

-Customer gets 10 calls in 20 min.

- We've busted their business practice and 3 agents' account were closed down all at once when asking them QUESTIONS.
Chumps: They were Home leads at a discount.

He is correct, all the leads are recycled, they bought them from 3rd party companies, incentive driven (fill out your info and get an iPhone 6 kinda deal) and they sell that info back to you.
They have staffs send you bogus leads. The minute you add a new zip code you will get TWO to Three bogus lead right away. Most of the leads have common last name, Smith, Anderson, Johnson, and they are all BOGUS!

They are discounted all right!

Do not do business with this unethical company. Report them to BBB!