My Novel "Final Expense Man" is Free Until Jan 13

Finished it a couple days ago. Here's the review I just submitted to Amazon:

"Double Indemnity" is one of my favorite examples of classic film noir. This loose update of that story captures the essence of the noir genre nearly perfectly without coming across as contrived. The crisp, evocative writing compellingly draws you in, then moves you along in the story at a fairly good clip.

IMO, the writer does a much better job of character development than was found in the original. The lead characters are more complex, and somewhat sympathetic even as they plot their heinous deed.

Being familiar as I was with the original story, I sort of knew where this was all headed. But there were unexpected twists and turns throughout that kept things interesting. All in all, an engaging and entertaining read."
Well, that was an interesting read.

"Van Mueller Arms"? lol.

There are a few Easter eggs for industry pros :-)

If you enjoyed hte book (or even if you didn't) I'd appreciate a review on Amazon. Thank you!
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