My personal experience with Aflac

Re: Working for Aflac?

I can sell a cancer policy and make double the commission that Aflac would pay... So I could all up small business owners, tell them I just opened up a business (which is true), and go replace all Aflac business...

There are hundreds of insurance companies that sell the same exact products of Aflac... Indemnity Plans ... Pay cash directly to the client...

Only difference is that these companies have never heard of sisacell...
Re: Working for Aflac?

Double commission? Which product are those? Which Cancer Insurance plan do you market?


how are they at paying commissions...... - AFLAC Complaint - AFLAC has more excuses than a snake oil salesman, Flexible Spending Accounts

AFLAC has more excuses than a snake oil salesman - Flexible Spending Accounts


I was "lucky" enough to have our company choose AFLAC this last year to manage our flexible [COLOR=blue ! important][FONT=VERDANA,ARIAL,HELVETICA][COLOR=blue ! important][FONT=VERDANA,ARIAL,HELVETICA]spending [/FONT][COLOR=blue ! important][FONT=VERDANA,ARIAL,HELVETICA]accounts[/FONT][/COLOR][/FONT][/COLOR][/COLOR]. Over the last 8 years under Benisource and Ceridian I had absolutely no problems. Good customer service, quick claim processing, and up-to-date accurate information. No hassles!

Then in comes the nightmare called AFLAC! I paid for childcare in March.

It is now the end of July and I STILL have not been reimbursed!

First it was that I turned it in too early, then it was I used the wrong form, then it was "you can't just say doctor visit--you have to say unreimbursed copayment for doctor visit for stubbed toe", then it was the IRS supposedly said they could not pay it until the service was completely done (IRS says otherwise--takes YEARS to finish orthodontial work DUH), then it was the check was in the mail, then it was the form expires in 30 days so I had to resubmit so they had not actually sent a check, then it was they do daily processing, then it was well actually they can do daily processing but it actually takes at least 2 business days or in my case 5 business days later, then it was the check is in the mail, then it was (because big surprise the check never showed up) I had to wait 10 business days before they would do a stop payment, then it is 5 business days to redo the check, BUT by then the form was over 30 days old again but instead of calling you or emailing you they will sit on it until you call. Then you call and "oh big surprise, the form expired so we can't send the check until you resubmit it again" (for the THIRD TIME), and then we start all over again.

It is a NIGHTMARE! Run screaming NO NO NO if your company wants to use AFLAC!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They are rude and hang up on you if you complain. UNBELIEVABLE!!!
Re: My personal experience with Aflac.

I wanted to give people who were considering the job an accurate idea of what to expect. Because obviously, I didn't know what I was getting into.

I spent a lot of time perusing these threads last night. And felt foolish for not researching before I decided to sign on with Aflac. I made an error in judgement because I found out I knew someone who worked with Aflac. As I said, she does well, but I was misled with the carrot on the stick routine so common with these types of jobs.


I appreciated this post also. I'm new to the industry too. And, I also was signed up with Aflac when I took my license training and test here in MN. But I quit after the first day of training. I had been looking around at different companies and seeing what they had to offer, and after the first day I decided it wasn't for me. I glad I didn't waste time going through all the training they had. I'm interviewing with a different company now.

I was surprised to find out they were hiring 4-5 agents a month. And I also didn't feel comfortable with the whole idea of cold-calling like they do. I just feel more comfortable with this other company's methods than Aflac's. Like you said, the companies policies might be alright, I'm just taking a different direction that I feel more comfortable with.

Very insightful, Thanks.
Re: My personal experience with Aflac.

And I also didn't feel comfortable with the whole idea of cold-calling like they do.

I did a little stint with AFLAC long ago and although I have sided with the critics here, I actually have a little different take on the coldcalling piece. I think that if a person has been with AFLAC the whole process of walking into a business cold, dealing with what's there, fact-finding on a hit and run basis etc. can be very valuable. It gets you up out of your shtick, your funk, your office, your fears etc and gets you on the move. I think that before long you need to get better carriers and products to use those skills on but I dont think that some virginal experience with it is total waste in retrospect, even if with Aflac. All of the experience we get in this business is usually dipped in some kind of doo-doo. The trick is to keep moving forward with it. Most mentors, companies that are alleged to provide better training etc, fizzle out or you outgrow them over time anyway. This is a do-it-yourself field. Like it or not. You are going to get hammered bigtime regardless of what you do. If you can get hammered in a way that leaves you smarter and better equipped to fight for another day then that is not to be scoffed at, however painful and expensive.

Doesnt mean that I would waste time with Aflac. Only that walking into a business and winging it in a skilled way is one of the most valuable skills you can have and getting on with it in any shape or form can be a good thing.

My take anyway.

Re: My personal experience with Aflac.

I enjoyed reading your post also.

Started out with annother outfit called MEGA,
I could substitue their name with AFLAC in your post, story so similar

Are all the big captive agencies the same?
Re: My personal experience with Aflac.

I must have been crazy to stay with them for a year, made only 10k
made 15k within first three months of going independent, also spent much less in gas.
Re: My personal experience with Aflac.

Only that walking into a business and winging it in a skilled way is one of the most valuable skills you can have and getting on with it in any shape or form can be a good thing.


Point taken. And I have thought that very point myself. And I do appreciate your point. I will have to take the plunge, and do what I have to do to make this business work. Taking this step at this point in my life is scary to me in some ways, but also exciting. I have learned so much.

I know that I don't want to be one of those agents that collapses within two years. I have run my own business for 10+ years successfully. I am hoping I can do this for the next 20+ years. But I also want to begin with a company that I feel comfortable with at the start. Not saying I will not be doing what be Aflac would suggest. But the methods as a whole seem to be different enough that I feel better with where I'm going. And they also have other options and products that I would like to be involved with also. That was of interest to me too.
Re: My personal experience with Aflac.

Every word you say is true, InsSalesisnotforEveryone.

I was with Aflac 7 years. I was successful, thanks to a terrific District manager and other mentors in the company. I was also successful because I am a self starter (this is different than working hard). I was a top producer in my state with awards and trips, etc.

Aflac IS a good company; they are even excellent in some areas. Their biggest downfall is the field force system with their idea of recruiting and training. It is sad.

I left Aflac to start my own agency. The first thing all our agents notice is they get through doors so much easier when they are not using the Aflac name. Like you, I didn't like the deception taught for this procedure by Aflac, but I have found just having a different name, with different products and carriers, makes all the difference in the world. Our agency utilizes other voluntary companies and health insurance, finanical planning, etc. to open these doors. Nothing new here; we are just like most other agencies.

I will say, as others have pointed out, the training I did get from Aflac was valuable. Sometimes it taught me how to prospect; sometimes it taught me their ways may be what NOT to do.

I am sure I would not appreciate what I have now so very much, if it wasn't for the time spent with Aflac. And I would not have ever started my own agency or proabably even remained in insurance (I have many years of agency experience), if it wasn't for the time I spent with Aflac. I made many cherished friends there, including my current business partners.

There are been many things written on these forums about Aflac. Thank you for spending the time to write a such a fair assessment for your limited experience. Your insights are right on for anyone who didn't stay long and become a commidity to the management team.

The "you own your own business" is so much more bunk than you probably even knew in your short time there. And politics can vary from state to state, region to region, district to district, but they make leaving them almost as difficult as leaving a cult. These observations, however, are not representative of corporate Aflac. There are two very distinct entities: corporate Aflac and the field force. I will say, I believe corporate Aflac is still responsible for the deplorable condition of the field force tactics. After all, they designed and encourage the system that exists.

I am so much happier (and financially secure, even after 8 months) where I am now in my life. ;) I am going to bet you are happier too.
Re: Working for Aflac?

I just opened a new business in the area and want to mail your owner some information on my company." Um, this is a blatant lie.

what the heck??? If you are start with any insurance company as an independent agent, then you are starting your own business!!! How in the world could that be a lie?
Re: Working for Aflac?

I can sell a cancer policy and make double the commission that Aflac would pay... So I could all up small business owners, tell them I just opened up a business (which is true), and go replace all Aflac business...

There are hundreds of insurance companies that sell the same exact products of Aflac... Indemnity Plans ... Pay cash directly to the client...

Only difference is that these companies have never heard of sisacell...

Hundreds???? LOL ok....... So far only 1 of you clowns has notice how to spell sickle-cell lol. Just love these BBS/forums. full of rocket scientists & business genius's.

Being number 1 makes it's very easy to sling mud and toss darts at. AFLAC is the number 1 provider of supplemental insurance in the country, oh AFLAC is number 1 in Japan as well...

AFLAC has 1960's style when it comes to there agency structure. But lets not burn down the whole orchard to get ride of a few bad trees.

Fact every insurance company out there has dirt on there hands and
there far share of bad agents.

So keep slinging the mud and hate, as AFLAC keeps going up the ladder of fortune 500 companies.