My personal experience with Aflac

Re: Working for Aflac?

I think the bitterness comes with your defensive attitude you take about AFLAC. I've been in the insurance business for 11 years now, here in the Atlanta, Ga. market, and I always am upfront with all my vendors as to what my concentration is.

When I met with AFLAC, they signed me up, sat down with me, gave me one follow up call. Then, when I did not work their lines full time, they evaporated on me.

I facilitate a Job Career Networking Group, and two people, who don't have any interest in going into sales, were recruited by AFLAC. When they approached me, I told them that you need to develop a target market, and pursue that market with the product. I had to tell them, because AFLAC told both of them that EVERYONE is a prospect. That is not true. That is horrible sales training.

I have tried to work side-by-side with AFLAC, only to be told to screw myself. Great professional attitudes you guys have. You must go to the Blue Cross Blue Shield school of attitude.


I don't think I was being bitter. I think my posts have been mostly positive. Defensive? Yes. Bitter? I don't believe so. The "bitter" comment was in response to inurance guy's comments in #150.

I'm sorry that you've had a bad experience with the Aflac manager that you met with. But in fairness, don't you think that it is a reflection of that particular manager, and not of AFLAC? Not everyone is like that, just as the negative comments I'd heard about brokers weren't nearly always true.

I aslo disagree with your opinion on my target market. In New York, the overwhelming majority of employees are, by their own estimation, 2 or 3 weeks from financial ruin. A broken ankle or a heart attack away from bankruptcy. This includes factory workers, nurses, teachers, attorneys, and everyone in between. I think it is appropriate for me to consider these employees as my target market.

Health insurance does not pay the rent. If an employee doesn't have AFLAC (or some other indemnity plan), than they are not as protected as they could be.

Re: Working for Aflac?

AFLAC is the clear leader in voluntary workplace benefits. Nobody comes even remotely close, even though that may piss you guys off (yes, I CAN back that up). PL

Doesnt bother me one way or the other. They are the bottom of the rung so I am not involved although went through that phase. They will continue to be successful because they have thousands of agents, like lemmings, raiding the same business over an over to achieve saturation. What is good for the company is a dfferent than what is good for agents trying to make a career out of it. Aflac makes money off of agents, not with them. And yes, I know there are some successful ones and some can hack it and some can't blah, blah, blah. This is true of Amway too.

Re: Working for Aflac?


I don't think I was being bitter. I think my posts have been mostly positive. Defensive? Yes. Bitter? I don't believe so..


Re: Working for Aflac?

I was not talking about the "indemnity" I was talking about paying cash to the policy holder

For those of us who may be a little slow, could you explain the difference?

1. Security against damage, loss, or injury.
2. A legal exemption from liability for damages.
3. Compensation for damage, loss, or injury suffered

Now please tell my what health insurance companies paid cash to the policy holder, before AFLAC started in 1955??
Re: Working for Aflac?



Are you kidding? In an effort to prove your point to your fellow bloggers (who may not have AFLAC plans in front of the to cut and paste), did you leave out anything?

You realize that it is a SHORT TERM DISABILITY PLAN, which covers them for up to 24 MONTHS per disability. Not just 3 months. You inadvertantly left that out.

Or, that there are 10 different waiting periods, not just the three you listed. Forgot that too, huh?

And what exactly about the fine print you listed did you have an issue with? Own Occupation definition of disability. Sounds great to me.

Guaranteed renewable until 70 years old. Completely portable at group rates. That AFLAC has not raised the rates on a single plan in 53 years, but has just slammed all of their policyholders with a rate decrease on four of our Hospital, Sickness and Dental indemnity plans.

Seriously Stibroker, what is your issue with the disability plan?

Re: Working for Aflac?

Doesnt bother me one way or the other. They are the bottom of the rung so I am not involved although went through that phase. They will continue to be successful because they have thousands of agents, like lemmings, raiding the same business over an over to achieve saturation. What is good for the company is a dfferent than what is good for agents trying to make a career out of it. Aflac makes money off of agents, not with them. And yes, I know there are some successful ones and some can hack it and some can't blah, blah, blah. This is true of Amway too.


Great addition to the dialog, lady.

Re: Working for Aflac?

Doesnt bother me one way or the other. They are the bottom of the rung so I am not involved although went through that phase. They will continue to be successful because they have thousands of agents, like lemmings, raiding the same business over an over to achieve saturation. What is good for the company is a dfferent than what is good for agents trying to make a career out of it. Aflac makes money off of agents, not with them. And yes, I know there are some successful ones and some can hack it and some can't blah, blah, blah. This is true of Amway too.


$60 billion dollar company is at the bottom of the rung?? 350,000 payroll accounts in the US number one provider of sec.125 plans int US .
If that is the bottom then wow the top must be real good.

and who is it that you write for winter?? or do your the ladder go that high?
Re: Working for Aflac?


Are you kidding? In an effort to prove your point to your fellow bloggers (who may not have AFLAC plans in front of the to cut and paste), did you leave out anything?

You realize that it is a SHORT TERM DISABILITY PLAN, which covers them for up to 24 MONTHS per disability. Not just 3 months. You inadvertantly left that out.

no I think I gave you a link to the full your telling me your company did not write this contract......