That makes a ton of sense. We have people doing it, but it's a grind. If you call about 8 or 9 out of 10 will be the right person and the right address. That number goes up if you're calling older homeowners in the evening (most reliable group to find) and then if you go down in age, income, or ditch homeowners people tend to be much more transient so you end up finding their contact info has a much shorter shelf life.
If you're looking for the least expensive way to get in the door, getting a subscription for $50 is the cheapest way to get data outside of the phone book and it's available 24/7.
The real sales pitch for ListShack is that for $50 you can find out if it works. We have no contracts, no fees, and you can cancel any time you want. Try us for $50 and have a great time? Awesome, keep giving us 50 bucks a month Try us for $50 and it doesn't work, for $50 you know what your results are. As far as marketing tests go, it's about a tenth of the cost of testing any other methods out.
What are the exact filtering/demographic criteria I can choose for consumer leads?
Maybe you suggested this isn't a match for me because the criteria is limited, so my target would be too broad?