Mystery...Found Our Content on Two Sites


100+ Post Club
Anyone know who is? Or My Web person found some of our content on these two sites. We did not put our content on either site.

My Web person thinks that someone is intentionally putting our content with mis-spelled words and broken links on various websites to cause our rankings to go down and/or have us flagged by Google.

Anyone ever heard of this?
I'm not sure how many friends and enemies you've made, but odds are they're scraping content to pump themselves and get extra traffic vs anything particularly devious.
Both scenarios seem possible to me. There are a lot of "Scraper" softwares out there that scan for articles based on keywords and then replace common words with synonyms to get free content and backlinks. I'd try to contact the owner of the website that is linked on the pages or the site that is hosting your content to have it removed. is a legitimate company. They have a plugin on Linkedin that will let you share powerpoints with your connections/profile viewers.

The first company you mentioned is probably using them for some nebulous purpose but then again, I've never heard of the first company so maybe they're an innocent party as well.
That looks like just a regular article directory that allows anyone to submit articles. These are usually the victims of these automated softwares that scrape and submit articles to thousands of directories at once.

I started an article directory in 2007 and have had to deal with automated softwares and spam for years. I eventually had to make all new users subscribers by default and require them to email me directly and request an author account.

This is pretty much cut my spam down to 0%. is a genuine site, but people submit content for views to get clicks to their website. Chances are they scraped your content so they wouldn't have to write their own and submitted it to a bunch of sites to get free traffic.

See if the stolen content has any links in it and use to contact the owner. I would bet contacting and the other site would get your content removed also. Good luck