Need advice from Experienced Agents, regarding my current situation

I'm a new licensed agent looking to get my feet wet, and so afraid of being taken advantage of. Looking to sign with someone. Would love to know the company you speak about and would definitely avoid them at all costs.

The problem with 'outing' a company... is that you don't really know if it's the company itself, the agency, or just that GA/manager.

What we do know is that, if a given minimum score wasn't attained on the initial career assessment test (typically called 'the LIMRA'), you can lose out on certain benefits. Why? Because that assessment determines if that agency will get the support from the home office to finance the new agent or not. Score too low, and you may still be brought on board, but not get the additional perks.

That's not unique to one company, but most companies with a career agency field force.
The problem with 'outing' a company... is that you don't really know if it's the company itself, the agency, or just that GA/manager.

What we do know is that, if a given minimum score wasn't attained on the initial career assessment test (typically called 'the LIMRA'), you can lose out on certain benefits. Why? Because that assessment determines if that agency will get the support from the home office to finance the new agent or not. Score too low, and you may still be brought on board, but not get the additional perks.

That's not unique to one company, but most companies with a career agency field force.

Yup, I failed mine.
I should have listened.
Do you ever get that feeling, where you're gut is telling you something isn't right, and you just can't get rid of it? Well that's me right now, and I need some advice from other agents. In order to protect my privacy this is a throw away account. I recently became licensed, all at my own expense, with the exception that all fees would be refunded upon licensing. I also was told that a draw on future commission would be available. Well the lie detector has determined that it was all a lie. Why was it denied? Because on the pre employment exam i said I sometimes get stressed.. Now let's take a moment and realize just how ridiculous that is, and that is a normal human emotion that EVERYONE experiences. It's part of life and anyone that would say they're never stressed is in my opinion lying. What matters more is how you react to it, but apparently they don't care.

So now I'm out almost a grand, between my course, state exam, NIPR and state licensing fee, and I'm expected to about another 2 months of training with no income. Now hear me out I knew what I was getting into, but I expected Christian affiliated company to hold there end of the bargain. When they didn't it was upsetting, because out everyone out there, I thought they were the ones I could trust. Broken promises, and bills that don't pay themselves, put your self in my shoes and answer me this. Would you stick it out? Taken into consideration that they've already broken their word, and hung me out to dry. I just can't shake the will they do it again feeling. So Reddit what are your thoughts should I run or should I stick it out? and if I the answer is run what is a company that might treat me better.

*disclaimer* this is not a diss nor negative reflection on the current organization (which I'm not naming and I ask if u know that you don't either), this is only my experience. Yours and others may be different*

When someone lies to you, the reason, the why, the justification, rationalization, vacillation, and everything important to them. It is meaningless to you. If it isn't, then you have a bigger problem. Point being, if someone lies to you, that's it. Someone lied. Period. Walk.

If it happens a second time, it only happened again because you didn't walk. You learned twice. Now walk. If it happens a third time...sorry, I walked from this discussion after the second time. Good luck and all the best!
They're all trying to tell you that you were fed a load of bull. It's the same bull we've all heard a thousand times: "We only have one position, and we want you." In reality, they're willing to hire anyone who can pass the exam and fog a mirror.

Also, the things you're upset about (i.e. being lied to, not being paid for training, buttering you up so you'll join their agency) are all super common in the industry. I agree with everyone here telling you to leave that agency and learn from your mistakes.