I have had a couple of potential clients take my quote to their current agent and they end up matching the premium, or beating it by very little. This has only happened a couple of times, but is this just a common occurence in commercial insurance, or am I doing something wrong.
I had one today that was a restaurant, who didn't have liquor liabilty for two years, even though they though they did. I gave them a quote that included it, had $900,000 more fire legal, and the premium was on $20 more than their current premium.
They went right to their agent, who wrote the liquor liability, lowered their premium, and they decided to stay with him regardless of the fact that they went 2 years with a liquor liability risk.
Any help surely would be appreciated.
Say good riddance, this was a crap head of a client or prospect, he used you and you gave it away, like we all have done. If the business owner wants to get screwed let him stay with the agent that would have ruined his business for the oversight had there been a claim. I'll never figure out people but loyalty or value for a job well done is a joke! We need to learn how to say go fly a kite as hard as that is when we see prospects that don't have sense enough to come in out of the rain instead of letting them continue to rip us off. You're better off without this loser.