Need Help - Carriers Rate Classes?


100+ Post Club
At Farmers we have NonStandard, Standard and Preferred.

Basically these three tiers are mostly determined by credit score and prior liability limits.

If you are with another company can you please tell me how they tier rate?

We use to have an A-Z rate class (credit score)

Thank you for your input.
Encompass - scores 1 through 16 -
Safeco - non standard, standard & preferred. scores 1 through 50
Travelers - 1 through 30 (I think..)
Kemper - A through Z
Donegal - 6 tiers
Encompass - scores 1 through 16 -
Safeco - non standard, standard & preferred. scores 1 through 50
Travelers - 1 through 30 (I think..)
Kemper - A through Z
Donegal - 6 tiers

Do you remember how Allstate uses tiers?

Thanks for that input!
It use to be 1-15 when I was there in 2012. I think it has changed since.
Nationwide was very simple. Nonstandard was placed in titan/victoria, then tiers 1 and 2, you could basically call them standard/preferred. Tier 2 had prior with no lapse, and a max of 1 minor/1 afa or 2 minor and no afa. Tier 1 was prior with no lapse and no violations.

Credit had to be pretty abysmal to be declined, but writing multiline could usually override that.
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