Need Some FE Phone Sales Help

Alright, so if I have Foresters, Assurity, and RNA then I'm good? Can I just contract with them directly or have to go through someone else for that? Do I need E&O right away with this or can I wait for like my first 3-4 sales to get above water?

*I also said I was broke, but that just means I only have 3 months of living expenses left. Almost to the penny. It doesn't mean that I have $0 to my name, just for clarification.

You'll need to go through a marketer like us or there are several others on the forum that write for those carriers as well. You won't need E&O for RNA, but you will need it for Foresters and Assurity. Foresters actually has a really good E&O policy that they sponsor as well.
Start with RNA, make some sales, add e&o because it is the right thing to do. Then add carriers as you progress. Dont wait for everything to be exactly perfect before you start. It will take sometime to get up & running.
Dont give up!!! ever......

Ask on the forum, who a good FMO is, and see what is recommended. Avoid the $$ Hype.
If you want a great all around FMO with a lot of companies WIN (AKA 360 Financial, AKA: Brad Aden) is very good.

If you want specific training and contracting on selling Lincoln Heritage Life over the phone, greg is probably your man.

Both have posted in this thread and are easy to contact.
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Fetam, I wish you the best man. In a society of victims you are refreshing. Your daughter should know how tough the ol'man is. "You got alotta hard bark on you, Mister."
I salute you
The Greenhorn:cool:
Fetam, I wish you the best man. In a society of victims you are refreshing. Your daughter should know how tough the ol'man is. "You got alotta hard bark on you, Mister."
I salute you
The Greenhorn:cool:
I want to echo this. From the tone of your post, you are a good person. Not sure if you're the dad or the mom from the wording in your posts, but I've probably overlooked something once again. I have tried phone sales without a whole lot of success, but I'm working on it. I'm a little like Thomas Edison, I know 1,000 ways NOT to invent a light bulb (reference to a previous post), and if you'd ever like some ideas, PM me. If you ever want someone to vent to, complain to, or whatever, let me know.

You CAN do this, just keep your positive attitude and it'll be mind over matter.
Thanks for the words of encouragement and all the advice. Being a single dad of a terminal little girl is tough. But I do have 15yr old and 11yr old boys also that are such soldiers. My youngest said that he could run and put door hangers for me if I wanted him to. How sweet is that?!? I'm truly blessed!

So hopefully me and Win 360 will be able to speak tomorrow and get something in the workings. It's been a hard road to get to, but damn guys...I'm ready to sell!

Thanks again all,

Alright guys, I sent in my paperwork and I will be working with Win 360 Financial. This guy's super supportive and is going to be a good match for me. Thanks to all for your PM's and help. I'm gonna rock this!
If you contract with RNA, I am happy to help get you up to speed with their products. I too am a single father and although I am not quite in the same situation as you I would be happy to pass along any knowledge of RNA and their underwriting. I write 80% of my business here in Utah through them. I have a few other companies I recommend as well, so fell free to call me with any questions.
