Negotiating with High Mileage

By the way the car is 11 years old, not 20 years old

my bad. I meant 15, not 20 years as 2020 vehicles are out now & a 2005 was 15 years ago

2019 JD Powers evaluation
JD is really not an independent service as it only evaluates companies that pay to play to be part of JD powers. Not a horrible service, but appears to be much more of a paid 3rd party advertising arm of the company buying the rating.

Definitely worth asking for them to sharpen their offer based on excellent condition, etc
Thats true. I figured JD Power is in it for the car business not consumers. I believe they are just for PR. All the chevy commercials of the last few years prove that JD Power is a bit ridiculous. Yet companies use them for real information. That being said, these vehicle evaluations are either done or sponsored by them it seems.

All this commentary is helpful though as I try and frame my case. At least I know Progressive is making a reasonable offer. I have heard bad things from others but they have been prompt so far and easy to talk to.