Neil Gorsuch to Be Confirmed Next Week

But you get the point. Not only is it about actually getting things done it's also about learning from things that don't work.

You mean things that don't work such as Obamacare, not enforcing immigration laws, not suppressing the JV Team, not thumping a dictator actively gassing children, not confronting Iran, China, and North Korea?

Indeed that country has had to a lot of learning- the hard way- about things that don't work.


If republicans want to repeal Obamacare, have at it. Let's see what their replacement is and then we can vote on that. O wait, they already tried that. Not a good example.


That is true when viewed from the binary mind which says that either you submit a bill and it passes on a certain week or you have lost your chance forever. That is like telling Mad Dog that if he planned to attack and enter Mosul on a certain week and got pushed out it will never happen. Think again. He was just regrouping which is viewed as defeat by people such as yourself who have never undertaken difficult tasks.

Which bill on repealing/revising crockcare was presented and voted down? Oh, I see. None. So from there your binary mind concludes that Trump has taken his hand off the board and lost his chance? Good luck wit dat.

Listen to your lefty buddy Keith Ellison when he said "democrats need to stop gloating and start organizing because the republicans are coming again."


Sunday was the first day of the week, Gorsuch was confirmed in the same week:

Correction: It is Justice Gorsuch.

You mean things that don't work such as Obamacare, not enforcing immigration laws, not suppressing the JV Team, not thumping a dictator actively gassing children, not confronting Iran, China, and North Korea?

Indeed that country has had to a lot of learning- the hard way- about things that don't work.


That is true when viewed from the binary mind which says that either you submit a bill and it passes on a certain week or you have lost your chance forever. That is like telling Mad Dog that if he planned to attack and enter Mosul on a certain week and got pushed out it will never happen. Think again. He was just regrouping which is viewed as defeat by people such as yourself who have never undertaken difficult tasks.

Which bill on repealing/revising crockcare was presented and voted down? Oh, I see. None. So from there your binary mind concludes that Trump has taken his hand off the board and lost his chance? Good luck wit dat.

Listen to your lefty buddy Keith Ellison when he said "democrats need to stop gloating and start organizing because the republicans are coming again."


Sunday was the first day of the week, Gorsuch was confirmed in the same week:

Correction: It is Justice Gorsuch.


So, get 'er done. You act like these legislative lifts are going to get easier. They are not. I like how you now act like intervention in Syria is a policy you have advocated for before yesterday. Whichever way the blows for you.

Here's some suggested reading for anyone interested in passing legislation. It's a must read for if you're interested in the mechanics of legislation.

Really? Explain that to me. How did I do that?

To the contrary I spoke about how the process requires failing, false starts, and the need to regroup and go again. And in another post I said that Trump's favorability rating would continue to plunge because he is confronting issues that Obama would not touch.

Everything, everywhere will be difficult as long as he is in office. Also I have repeatedly said that when we get to tax reform, debt ceiling, budget time it will be miserable. We see you waiting there to be right about things getting tough at some point- but any *** sees that. That kind of behavior on your part stems from the need to recover from you long string of disgraceful failed predictions so you cast about continually looking for things to be right about. Now you are some genuis kick about how the trump rally will correct and he will be in trouble with his own party and his supporters on a whole bunch of issues very shortly - over taxes, wars, deficit, healthcare etc. What a guy. You thought of that all by yourself, Miss Cleo?
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Boom. There we have it.

On to the next, and then another one after that.

Oh, and for those who like to comment from the peanut gallery. I know that Gorsuch will not be as conservative as some want him to be- but at no point will he be a ginsberg, kagan, sotomeyor loon either. I'll take that.
Oh, and for those who like to comment from the peanut gallery. I know that Gorsuch will not be as conservative as some want him to be- but at no point will he be a ginsberg, kagan, sotomeyor loon either. I'll take that.

That's all anyone should expect, unless they're a liberal nut job and think the Constitution was written in jello.

which says:

President Trump is nearing 100 days without a victory.​

And Gorsuch was what, a consolation prize?

The 100 day mark really is an arbitrary barometer of how a president will preside. Personally, I've learned Trump is an enemy maker and not a good deal maker, he's a flip flopper and a liar steeped in cronyism and nepotism. This makes him seem uncertain and likely to create disasters. That's my assessment. Not yours, I know.

To the expectations, he did that himself by making so many promises. The media is doing what the media should do. He said he is going to accomplish many major legislative acts and he didn't. That's his problem.

In reality, he didn't accomplish anything of significance legislatively because there really is no need. He inherited a country in very good position despite the rhetoric on the right. If the country were in dire straits there would be support for major legislative pushes. There simply is not a mandate on the issues he ran on.

In my opinion it is good he has been hamstrung because this country will prosper if he does little to nothing.
In reality, he didn't accomplish anything of significance legislatively because there really is no need..

Some truth to that. In many instances he just needed to enforce existing law. That can be a radical way of doing things sometimes.

Note that he has made a massive improvement in reducing the number of border crossing just by enforcing the law and removing the welcome mat- without any additional legislation.

He will not get funding for the wall- other than for portions of it- but it already clearly that he is going to be able to show desired results and outcomes as far as reducing influx- BECAUSE HE HAS ALREADY DONE THAT. That is one of the small signs you look for.