New Agent- 2 FE questions

Question 2: From my research, it sounds like the FE market is lower to lower middle class seniors. In my city and surrounding area, these populations live in three basic areas: the surrounding rural area, lower middle class neighborhoods with very small homes and low crime (I live in one of these!), and lower class neighborhoods with moderate to high crime. Obviously, the last type is my concern. So how do you protect yourselves (or suggest a slightly built woman would protect herself?)

You, sadly, may find this post/thread interesting...

On a more positive note...there are other approaches:

Funny, I get advanced on Med Supps and if they cancel before the advance is repaid...charge back. Same with dental, cancer, etc. :yes:

Gotcha Gorilla !

They aren't cancelling but you're getting charge backs on med sups...Sorry to hear this