New Agent - Need Advice

Fake testimonials bother me.

If you click on "Discover More" on their main site you're taken to an order form where both of the alleged testimonials are completely fake.

Here is the page:

Calendar Leads 1.0


"Heather M" is a royalty-free stock photo:

She's "Sarah" the satisified life coach customer here:

Online Life Coach with Christine Hassler's Experienced Team


She's "Joanna" the team manager here:

Intrapreneurship Training | Intrapreneur Nation


She's "Alex Gillespie" the author shacked up with her grandmother here:

Alex Gillespie, Author at Longevity LIVE

The unnamed man has also had a rich and varied life so far...besides his alleged FE career, he's John Smith at a septic service here:


He's Matthew the London-based admin assistant here:

What's the point of user personas?


He's David the married job hunter in Kansas here:

Redesigning a local library website — a UX case study



Yeah lol, the pictures are fake. That was from when we first created the webpage. They are stock images, but the testimonials are real.

But we have like a half a dozen screen shot testimonials on the home page. Just go to our Facebook Group and do a search and you will see all the testimonials you want. Final Expense Life Insurance and Medicare Sales Mastery
Yeah lol, the pictures are fake. That was from when we first created the webpage. They are stock images, but the testimonials are real.

But we have like a half a dozen screen shot testimonials on the home page. Just go to our Facebook Group and do a search and you will see all the testimonials you want. Final Expense Life Insurance and Medicare Sales Mastery

Fair enough. They both looked WAY too attractive to be actual FE life insurance agents LOL
Here's a few of the most recent ones. Thanks for saying something. The app that loads the testimonials on the home page is down.


  • mike k testimonial .JPG
    mike k testimonial .JPG
    134.6 KB · Views: 6
  • IMG_5966.JPG
    121.5 KB · Views: 6
  • samantha.JPG
    137.8 KB · Views: 6
  • eddie Soto still.PNG
    eddie Soto still.PNG
    487.8 KB · Views: 6
  • Mike Knerl Testimonial.png
    Mike Knerl Testimonial.png
    189.9 KB · Views: 6
I said I knew the business world, not the FE world. My producers license is only like a month old, I didnt even know the different between Captive and Independent until now.

In fact, Id like to know what route to take to become Independent if you have any advice ... I wouldnt know where to start ...

Final Expense Entourage ;)
In fact, Id like to know what route to take to become Independent if you have any advice

There are some good ones here on the forum. Josh (@HoosierLife on the forum) has introduced himself. I myself do not recruit, and I am an independent agent and I have been very happy as an agent with The Insurance Squad which is owner/managed by Matt Mungia (@SPUR CITY on the forum). I also think highly of @Jose Arteaga whose is a partner in the CFC Agency.

My advice is talk to all three and then talk to an agent or two who is currently contracted with them. Then base your decision on the feedback you got from the agents and the degree to which you feel your personality and that of the upline manager would work well together.