New Agent - New Website - Need Advice


Super Genius
100+ Post Club
So I am going to be an agent soon (about to take my classes for the licensing exam.) I am going to be selling Aflac (I know, I know, don't plan on it long term, but I know it will be good training for me.

Okay now that's out of the way. I would LOVE to learn about SEO and internet marketing strategies, how to gain leads and traffic etc. If someone could point me in the right direction, it would be much appreciated.

Once my website gets built up some more I'll post a link to it.
Re: New Agent - New Webiste - Need Advice

I believe that you need to start with something New. Because most of things are getting saturated really fast. In terms of old school I would offer to start with Social Media or PPC. If you want to know more about getting traffic, you can PM me, I can give you some directions.
Re: New Agent - New Webiste - Need Advice

Just never opt for black hat SEO and you'll be good in Google's eyes.
True. Once you get your site up and running stay white hat Sure, Google can change their algorithm and/or penalize even the most honest webmaster, but until your site gets up in the SERPS, PPC may be the way to go to generate leads.
I believe Google is getting what.....80% or so of the search engine traffic, so you definitely want to be in front of the largest audience.
Keep optimizing your site while you PPC so you can eventually come up in the organic search on your own.
Either way choose a domain name and keywords that buyers are searching for. Don't use jargon that we (agents) use.....we aren't buying from you......I hope that helps.
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I would say buy a domain for your blog or business. Use Facebook and Twitter for social media marketing. Learn basic SEO for on page optimization. You can google SEO Book which is a good source.

I wouldn't focus on using SEO for traffic though because it takes forever plus Google changes their algorithms constantly. I would use social media marketing or paid traffic sources to generate traffic between the three properties.

Hope that helps.
I agree PPC as a new company or agent is the way to go mixed with facebook ads and other social networking. Paid direct mailers if you are selling specific products has worked very well for me, especially in the senior market (just make sure they are CMS approved). Hope this helps