New Agent Suggestions


New Member
Hey Everyone,

I recently accepted an offer from Aflac for an internship position because through their program all the normal expenses (Exam fees/Study Course etc.) are paid for. Anyways, I was wondering what the best course of action would be to take after my internship is completed. I am essentially using this internship to gain sales experience and knowledge on the insurance industry. What recommendations are out there for new agents with limited (1 year) experience in the insurance industry? Should I stay with Aflac until I gain more experience or should I join a different agency? I look forward to learning from the people in this community and appreciate any help.

Hey Everyone,

I recently accepted an offer from Aflac for an internship position because through their program all the normal expenses (Exam fees/Study Course etc.) are paid for. Anyways, I was wondering what the best course of action would be to take after my internship is completed. I am essentially using this internship to gain sales experience and knowledge on the insurance industry. What recommendations are out there for new agents with limited (1 year) experience in the insurance industry? Should I stay with Aflac until I gain more experience or should I join a different agency? I look forward to learning from the people in this community and appreciate any help. Thanks.

What is AFLAC going to give you except help with license?? My advice is do this to learn (if you want to) but the true way to success for you is to hookup with someone who can be your mentor. That might be with an INDY Agency or a dozen other places. It all depends upon what part of the insurance business you become most interested in. There are a lot better places to be than AFLAC!
They are also sending me to a sales school and my DSC is going to be my "mentor". However, I am aware that I am only selling Aflac products therefor my exposure to good/bad policies is limited to what someone who is making money off of me tells me.

Thanks for the reply.
Search this Forum for Aflac... there are dozens of people that got sucked in... I have never worked for them, but just reading the posts makes me feel dirty to sell insurance.