Great advice! Like Mark said it will all depend on the carrier. Some will care if you owe other companies money, some will not care if you owe Aflac money. Then with some it will depend if you owe a certain amount and when did you make your last payment. Just submit the contract and find out, if you do have a debit balance you need to clear up, you can most likely call the carrier and they will settle with you at drastically reduced cost.
I know Oxford Life and Americo seem to be hard to get appointed with if you have bad credit. My IMO said they can help push the provider to get agents appointed, but only to certain point so I would imagine any IMO would have the same ability with their providers.
Again, they most likely will only not appoint you, if are requesting an advance. I am sure Oxford and Americo will appoint you on an as earned basis. So, ask your IMO to find you some other companies that will advance you.
Really it depends on your situation and the carrier. Ive dealt with agents who had pretty ugly credit and could still get advances from id say half the carriers or so..most should appoint you, you just may have to deal with as earned or negotiate as 6 month advance as a happy medium.
*Your IMO does have the ability to assist with this, so make sure they are in good with the carrier and this will greatly improve your odds.
The carriers known to be tougher are Americo, Oxford, Mutual of Omaha off the top of my head..I would contact your IMO for their advice on your best options for contracting.
That is what I figured, I have heard that Oxford, Moo, Americo are the toughest. Like previously mentioned if you are willing to take a 3-6 month advance, they would probaly appoint you to "advanced" status. Start writing some business that stays on the books and they will bump you upto "9 month" advance before you know it.