New to the forum so thanks for any advice in advance. I've got an interview in about a week for a Benefits Consultant position. The job is with a company that serves 84 school districts in our state. They also serve community colleges, charter schools, and city governments. It would be my job to go in and do the open enrollment for whatever schools I am assigned. I would present the information and then come back the next day and sign up each employee at the school for their health plan along with any other additional coverage that they are interested in. I will find out at the interview, but I think the job is 100% commission and as far as I know there is no commission earned on the health plan they sign up for, only the additional polices (cancer, dental, vision, etc.). Wanted to see what everyone's opinion and experience may be in this type of job. I'm currently a teacher and would love to get in to another profession where I can make a better living. The 100% commission concerns me, because while I do make less than I would like as a teacher, I do know the amount that I will get each month. Again, any advice and/or suggestions you could give you would be great. Thanks!