New Computer, Any Recommendations?


Super Genius
100+ Post Club
I need a new laptop and haven't shopped in awhile.

I have read to stay away from vista 64bit? with whatever I choose

Anyone really happy with what they currently use?
Depends on what you're using it for. Give us a little more information and I'll try to help.
We have a Gateway from 2004, a Dell from 2008 and an HP from 2009.

The Gateway still works. The Dell is great. The HP is a 64-bit Vista (whatever the bit is) and I won't buy another HP. Every 3-6 months, something happens with it.

My work laptop is also a Dell and works fine.
I use an iMac to run my agency, exactly like the one below with the wireless mouse and keyboard. (Note, this is the whole computer... there is no box on the floor... it's all in the monitor.)

Yes, it cost more, but you get more (IMO.) If you are on a bare-bones budget, get a PC. Otherwise look at the Mac platform.

If you need to run some carrier quoting software or something like Compulife, you can run Windows on the Mac via the free Boot Camp or by buying a virtualization system like Parallels (which is what I use...$85 plus whatever a version of Windows cost you... I use Win XP which cost about $95 or less since Win 7 came out... which is probably a better choice but cost more.)

I'm sure an inexpensive PC will do well for you, but if you like state of the art tech and can afford the cost, you will enjoy using a Mac. If there is an Apple store near you I encourage you to walk in and play with the units they have on display. You will know in about 15 minutes if you like or hate it.


InsuranceSolutions123 Agency
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I was cheap when I bought my last computer, PC. I paid about as much money for it as I did my Iphone. If I could do it all over, I would have purchased a MAC. There is always next time I guess...
You are learning young jedi


I was cheap when I bought my last computer, PC. I paid about as much money for it as I did my Iphone. If I could do it all over, I would have purchased a MAC. There is always next time I guess...
I would highly suggest a toshiba laptop in the A505 line. If you are interested I can help you pick out the latest model in this line. They run around $600 which is pretty cheap but performance is the best of any laptop I have owned and that includes a couple expensive $2,000 machines...

There is several main reasons I like this machine and although they may seem simple they are important to me.

1. Fast wake up - The machine pops up and is on the internet in literally seconds. I run the thing for literally a couple weeks at a time without actually restarting it.

2. Battery life - It has a 12 cell battery which gives it battery life of 6 hours plus. I leave my office at 6pm, go home and work several hours at night and I never take my cord home with me, which is very convenient.

3. Multi tasking ability - Every morning I plug in a second monitor to my laptop and it instantly picks it up. I run a lot of programs at once including not just my insurance work but also web design software and I dont experience any lag which is impressive.

Basically its a pretty solid machine Dual core processor, 4 gigs of ram make it great for multi tasking and insurance work.

My model is the A505-S6980... I purchased from best buy for $619.