New Mortgage Leads We Just Released/ Read Now

Excuse me, at some point I have to wonder, what are you paying to advertise here? Are you just posting in an attempt to sell your system here? Shouldn't you be paying this forum a fee or something?

You chose not to post on the insurance offers section and when reminded it's a "yea sorry, I'll post it there.."

So one of two things is happening here.. one you aren't smart enough to post this in the "offers" section.. which means you may not be smart enough on a basic level.. or

you are very smart and knew it is better to ask forgiveness than permission... which can make one wonder about trustworhy business practices.

Well. I think the consensus of opinion is overwhelming negative in promoting product and/or services other than the "Insurance Offers" thread.

That having been said, you might wish to redact prior to publication; you claim to have been misinterpreted as to your offer and intent.* Obviously, others think otherwise.

Simplify. Too much information. You're setting yourself up to be judged. Any statement giving ANY tinge or iota of abridging and impugning agents'-at-large integrity will be met with the response(s) you have received. Sir, you have done yourself a disservice.

* For fun puzzler: Can anyone find the redundancy in this sentence?
"That having been said, you might wish to redact prior to publication; you claim to have been misinterpreted as to your offer and intent.*"
I do agree that it should be posted in the Offers section. Not a shill Sti, just an interested observer, but dissinterested 3rd party.

Got me Ahnuld, I even looked up redact and still don't have a good answer...
That having been said & you claim?

We need more puzzlers like that!

Wow! That was a trick question. In fact there are two redundancies. I only mentioned the one because I deemed the one you found too difficult. Nonetheless, you found the hidden one, Good job and a gold star for you!

The redundancy poser in the sentence noted is "redact" and "prior to publication." Redact means, "edit (text) for publication," therefore it would read "edit for publication prior to publication" which is redundant.
Ahh... I only read the 1st definition, which was to draw up, write out or frame, which you would do prior to publication. The 2nd def. was to edit for publication. Nice teaser.
What is this, psycho college English teacher deja vu? Ha just kidding.

Keep 'em coming, but please post in the Non-Insurance discussions!
Actually, it was peripheral to my response to GP32765's comments. I just threw it in for extra credit. Sorry.
Moonlight do you buy leads from anywhere?

If so, what did the marketers say to the client? Did they provide you with their script to make you feel warm and fuzzy or do you even know?

The point I see here is that someone is selling leads...if you are not interested in buying them so be it...if someone is be it.