New... New Guy :)


New Member
Hi all...

I am interested in insurance as a career, but need help finding a place locally... northern balt/carroll county md. approx 15 years sales exp... via phone, internet, and in home/person

currently un-lic'd... but more that willing to do that, just need some guidance.

thinking final expense per a good friend??? tips, suggestions, anyone hiring? :)
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If you study a lot you can get it done quick. I started studying on Feb 1 and took the test on Feb 14
If you really want to get started quickly, you may want to try one of those courses that prepare you to take the test. I don't recall if it was 2 or 3 days (almost 24 years ago), but I took the class starting either Wed or Thurs through Friday and passed the test on Saturday. They give you some practice tests that make it very easy to pass the real one. I took the course first for my P&C, and then a couple of months later for my Life/Health.
i may do that... =)

i went to psiexams this afternoon to see what i need... it's pretty confusing. i'd go ahead and do the life/health and do the p/c all in one shot over the next coupld of weeks if i knew what the heck to take.
Looks like it has been doing well. Did you see his 2 new girlfriends in his pic?

Lol, my GF would have to disagree

That's GOOD news! How are you doing since? Who/Where do you sell?

Well now I'm doing OK but I'm not going to lie, it was a tough tough first year and a half. Me not being the most motivated person in the world, coupled with giving a lot of my commissions over to an agency equaled me being very broke. Once I went independent last April I have done much better, especially this year.

I hate to say it, but the easiest part of insurance is getting licensed. It's not like you get your license and your phone starts ringing. If I could give you any advice, it would be to get your license as quick as possible and start prospecting and don't stop. Don't worry about learning all the in's and out's of your product. Have someone to ride with that will show you that. Just make sure you see the people!

I target the senior market for Medicare Supps and MA plans and cross sell.
I'm in Orlando, FL
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Final expense would be a good way to start. Look for agencies in your area. If you have good one on one sales experience, it's easy to do and you will get leads and make money quickly.