New Pacemaker Implanted 3 Weeks Ago. F,NT,66.

I couldn't sell a carrier with a name like that---------sounds totally hokey and fly by nite--------they should have realized that before they arrived at such a name

Yeah.. They won't be in business long with a name like that...Flash in the pan, fly by nite outfit.. They just started in 1886 and will never make it to be 200 years old.
A little misleading their UW guide says that (defibrillator/pacemaker insert is NOT considered heart surgery) but then they turn around and say that the PI does not qualify because the pacemaker is used to treat a heart disorder. :no:

I pulled up the "Underwriting Terminology" document from UHL website, you are correct.
They can have a defib or pacemaker installed within 1 year and not be declined, they are ROP and you get full comp on that.

The underlying heart condition remains, so seems they can't get immediate.