New To the Business


New Member
Hello Everyone, I am new to the business and new to the forum, I have decided to Sign up with UASBG, Hope i am making the correct decision with Obama Care in the mix, But my real question here is i am considering purchasing aged leads, i know that no agent will tell me the best place to get these types of leads but does anyone have a conversion rate using aged leads for un insurable leads? This is what i am going to start with because i can get appointed really fast and start making some money. Any help would be great.
Hello Everyone, I am new to the business and new to the forum, I have decided to Sign up with UASBG, Hope i am making the correct decision with Obama Care in the mix, But my real question here is i am considering purchasing aged leads, i know that no agent will tell me the best place to get these types of leads but does anyone have a conversion rate using aged leads for un insurable leads? This is what i am going to start with because i can get appointed really fast and start making some money. Any help would be great.

There is no magic number. Aged leads are a good way to start off because you're calling people who haven't spoken with anyone in a while. Your success rate will highly dependent on your phone skills. Generally when people start making cold calls they aren't very good at it. But as you get more talk time and contacts you will start to hone your skill.

Search the forum and you will find hundreds of posts about lead sources and costs.

What is your focus on? Are you selling to individuals or small businesses? Are you looking at selling health insurance plans?
I've heard good things about and I've had good luck with personally.
my focus is on Individuals that can not get health insurance to start with. then going to do Life and Health, I am new to the Insurance business but i have a lot of experience with Internet leads from the Mortgage Ind. So i have learned the phone is your best friend and if you know how to use can and will make you lots of money! I know in the mortgage ind using Lending Tree leads your conversion rate is between 3 and 7% , im sure aged leads pull through will not be that high, but who knows
scoch719 said:
Hello Everyone, I am new to the business and new to the forum, I have decided to Sign up with UASBG, Hope i am making the correct decision with Obama Care in the mix, But my real question here is i am considering purchasing aged leads, i know that no agent will tell me the best place to get these types of leads but does anyone have a conversion rate using aged leads for un insurable leads? This is what i am going to start with because i can get appointed really fast and start making some money. Any help would be great.

Why would you post this question in the consumers section of this forum?
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