New Member
- 12
I will be possibly beginning a new career in selling insurance for AllState. I interviewed at a private branch that is brand new and has just opened. Literally only about 2 people work there. Anyways, I have a few concerns being that I got burned pretty bad when I attempted to enter the Mortgage Sales industry. First of all I realize that I need to obtain a Property and Casualty license first. Much like taking the online proschools for the Mortgage licensing. Here are my questions:
- When I originally entered into proschools for the SAFE testing for the mortgage industry it was at 40hrs of online education, plus a final. I did the online courses, I took the 100 question National Exam and failed miserably (56%). I was blown away by how hard the questions were. I seriously didn't even recall learning half the stuff in the test that were on the national exam. I even had 6 nights of classes that were a joke. My main concern and question is will the Property and Casualty licensing test be just as hard? I looked it up on proschools and its only a 24hr online education requirement. Not sure how many questions the exam is.
- Other then just taking the final and passing are there any other requirements for the Property and Casualty license to be obtained? Such as Background Checks, Credit Checks, Etc. Like the Mortgage Licensing requirements.
- Is selling insurance worth it? Meaning is making 2 or 3 grand by my 1st or 2nd month obtainable? I understand that the results come from the amount of effort I put in, but I've been doing phone sales since I was 16. I'm very comfortable with it.
- And lastly, when I went for the AllState interview he mentioned that I would be making 10% commission. Does that mean 10% of the first payment? Or 10% of the term of the contract? And I would also be making 5% commission if they renew as residual income. How long could I expect to look forward to that?