Newsletter to Clients?

While email marketing is all the rage now, I honestly believe print will see a resurgence. At a minimum with a print newsletter, people are going to at least see your logo/photo, etc. when taking it out of the mail.

I have to agree with that. Although emailing newsletters is easy and certainly cheaper than snail mail, I don't think it works for about 90% of the folks out there.

For example, I subscribed to the newsletter of a very knowledgeable lawyer/investment advisor. His newsletter comes out weekly on Fridays (a mistake, in my opinion. Friday is the second worst day of the week to send email). Anyway, that was about a year ago and I have never opened a single one of his emails except maybe the first one.
I have to agree with that. Although emailing newsletters is easy and certainly cheaper than snail mail, I don't think it works for about 90% of the folks out there.

For example, I subscribed to the newsletter of a very knowledgeable lawyer/investment advisor. His newsletter comes out weekly on Fridays (a mistake, in my opinion. Friday is the second worst day of the week to send email). Anyway, that was about a year ago and I have never opened a single one of his emails except maybe the first one.

Yes and depending on the day's work load I might even immediately delete a company's newsletter that I usually read right away. Nonetheless at least they've got their name in front of me if they were smart enough to use the company name in the from email address or subject line.
For those who normally send out paper newsletters, we should be introducing a new product soon that allows you to have a full 12-page custom magazine designed and printed with your own scripts, articles, and ideas. If anyone is interested, feel free to shoot me a PM or e-mail. We should be posting it in the Offers section in the near future.
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