Since we are done with the renewal rush wanted to see what other agents do to get new clients enrolled in January.
I have created some payroll stuffer flyers to drop off at businesses.
Always interested in new ideas
Agreed. This mid year SEPs generally are temp policies. One of my carriers counts persistence, so I have to be careful with that stuff.
Prospects that came in mid year were all suspect. They initially could not provide a valid QLE. But after I told them I could not help them with no QLE, they suddenly found one. I told them all to call the marketplace, get enrolled, and let me know if they got coverage. Almost everyone did. Wonder what the loss ratio was on that business. I know that was a big concern for UHC in one of their statements.
Only other item I could recommend would be busting up small groups and writing them on SEPs.
Definitely not keeping up with the non-sep prospects that call this year. Over half that I had on my list for AEP had gone elsewhere and probably lied to create a SEP. I turned less than 1/3rd of the off season call ins to client status. Waste of time, won't even keep the list this year, just tell them when to call me back if they need my help.
Actually just looking forward to a down season for a change.