No Colonoscopies ... Alright!?!?!

Latest on Colon jobs

Cigna pays for it at or after age 50 but only every 10 years ... the plot thickens ...
Owner BEWARE !! This should be fun. Goldenrule just stated verbally that they cover colorectal exams, not colonoscopies in the "free" PC care definition

Minnesota Public Radio: In principal, the new federal healthcare law "requires insurers to cover preventive care -- including colonoscopies, mammograms and immunizations at no cost to the patient -- no co-pays, no deductibles." The aim is to encourage people to get preventive care before they develop conditions that are more costly to treat, and while "Medicare will begin covering these tests 100 percent on January 1st ... for other plans there are myriad exceptions. ... Some may still be on the hook for co-pays and there are exemptions under the new law for health plans that were in place before health reform took effect." Patients may become liable for co-pays "if screenings effectively become more involved," warned a member of the American Cancer Society. Robert Zirkelbach spokesman for trade group America's Health Insurance Plans said "health providers can also trigger out-of-pocket costs by the way they bill for these procedures and said the issue is a big gray zone." Meanwhile, "[c]onsumer advocates say patients shouldn't assume they'll enjoy these new benefits right away but should first check with their doctors and their insurer
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WTF did I receive considerable guff for saying a week ago ... ?
I 'd appreciate an apology and or a retraction in writing from the guilty parties ... yeah right.
Owner BEWARE !! This should be fun. Goldenrule just stated verbally that they cover colorectal exams, not colonoscopies in the "free" PC care definition

Minnesota Public Radio: In principal, the new federal healthcare law "requires insurers to cover preventive care -- including colonoscopies, mammograms and immunizations at no cost to the patient -- no co-pays, no deductibles." The aim is to encourage people to get preventive care before they develop conditions that are more costly to treat, and while "Medicare will begin covering these tests 100 percent on January 1st ... for other plans there are myriad exceptions. ... Some may still be on the hook for co-pays and there are exemptions under the new law for health plans that were in place before health reform took effect." Patients may become liable for co-pays "if screenings effectively become more involved," warned a member of the American Cancer Society. Robert Zirkelbach spokesman for trade group America's Health Insurance Plans said "health providers can also trigger out-of-pocket costs by the way they bill for these procedures and said the issue is a big gray zone." Meanwhile, "[c]onsumer advocates say patients shouldn't assume they'll enjoy these new benefits right away but should first check with their doctors and their insurer

Yep..if a preventive screening exam crosses into the realm of diagnostic, patient co-pays and/or deductibles would likely kick in. In fact, the medical community makes their $$$ by finding something wrong during the preventive exams and starting treatment regimes. The author of the M.P.R. story must have read Preventive Care and Services under the Affordable Care Act | and then wrote the article...LOL.

Docs routinely do charge diagnostic codes vs. preventative when they can get away with it to make more money. Seen it about a dozen times with my clients. Its a biatch to get the Dr. office to recode it - Docs end up playing stupid 100% of the time and just claim it was a coding error. I call it fraud. And I thought agents were the only slimey bunch putting their hand deep into the healthcare pot of gold. Docs are golddiggers about as bad as most GAs.
Where on earth did anyone get the idea that the healthcare reform policy was supposed to help people? The reform was a giant give away to the insurance companies. They have always wanted a mandate. This reform was designed by and for AHIP. We know this. Agents are ancillary to the process. If they can find a way to distribute their products without us they will. Carriers have thought about eliminating agent forces for years. The exchanges and the commoditization of insurance with bronze silver and gold plans makes that infinitely more possible. If there is little variation in health care other than brand identity why are agents needed to compare and contrast plans long term when there will be no contrast and everything is cookiecutter plug and play?