No, You Don't HAVE to Have a Securities License for Everything

I can't believe I'm going to say this... but here it is:

Go join Primerica and let them teach you, help you, and supervise you.

I don't trust that you have all the information needed to advise people properly.

Ha - no.

So - is a ROTH IRA a basic vehicle that someone can use to build for retirement by maxing out the annual contribution limits that they may qualify to put into the IRA?
Have you considered a hybrid model using a small annuity... I have a product that can be sold with a life lic. and it would allow tax deferred growth, at a simple low investment amount.


Please share . . .

FBL has an Annuity that allows monthly deposits - but, has a $5k minimum open and only 2% interest.
Has it ever struck anybody besides me that it only takes a 70% score on a licensing exam to start legally dispensing financial advice?:err:

The old joke goes:
Q) What do you call a medical student who finishes at the bottom of his class?
A) Doctor
A couple of months ago, I asked my primary doctor what his score was when he took the exam for his license. He told me that his score gets better every time he takes the test. Then he told me the joke you just posted. :laugh: