Not Even One Word About Agents Helping Clients

I predict the carriers selling inside the exchanges that have the most success will use agents.

In Indiana we have 2 of the 4 carriers using the agent distribution model.
I have not idea how the others are going to get any traction.
I don't think they know and judging by the people they hired they will have difficulties.

Every insurance company knows that they are making a grab at the enormous pie in front of them.

Namely, millions of people are going to be give money to purchase health insurance.

They are going to give agents a reasonable deal to maximize their subscriber base, that is how they will make the most money regardless of how much they pay us.

They also know that the people being added are going to stay with them, it will be like the Medicare market in many ways and people aren't going to switch if they are comfortable unless the rates go up significantly-even if they do, the subsidies will eat up much of it and they will stay where they are.

I went through my book of business last week and will probably keep at least 300 on my book going into 2014 out of about 400 policies (I've been told by one carrier that children will be compensated the same as adults in the PMPM structure).

That number is fine with me because it accomplishes my goal, anything above that is gravy, not only for 2014 but for as many years as they pay renewals.

Add all of the new people who haven't purchased insurance and will filter in through referrals and this is going to be a great year for experienced, competent agents, at least in my opinion. I see no reason to be concerned about any of these non-profits who wouldn't know a MOOP from a deductible or coinsurance.