Not Interested

I don't know if the Med Sup gurus agree, but I think that is pretty strong script. Could be adapted to a lot of other lines.
Thanks for sharing.

I like it other than the pattern interrupt. I was trained in sales to avoid this, here is what most likely will be the answer to "did I catch you at a bad time"...."Yes, click"... It is just too easy of an out for the prospect, dont give them this option. Talk now or next.
I sell face to face. So I'm no expert on phone sales. But here is what would make sense to me if I was selling Med Sups by phone.

1. Pay attention to states with recent rate increases and work those. So if you discover that Tennessee has had increases in the last 6-months with AARP, Aetna and Cigna you call a TN list and mention those plans by name.

Hello. I'm calling for Judy Smith.
Her: I'm Judy
How is your Wednesday going so far Judy? (If you like the pattern interupt. If not, skip that part.)
Her: Good
Judy, we are calling all Tennessee residents who have Medicare Supplements with Aetna, Cigna or AARP. Do you have your supplement with one of those three companies?
Yes, I have AARP.
Great! As you know, you have excellent coverage and can go to any doctor or hospital nationwide that takes Medicare patients. But the reason we are reaching out today is because AARP has recently raised the rates again. Tennessee residents have protections in place when that happens and most are allowed to lower their rate back down without changing their coverage plan in any way as long as you health qualify.
Would you like to take a few minutes to see if you qualify to save on yours?

If they had said no. My plan is through Mutual of Omaha, I would say this:
That's great because the reason we are calling for people with those specific plans is because they just had rate increases in Tennessee and we want to make sure people know that most Tennessee residents are eligible to opt out of the rate increase. I help people to do that. Mutual of Omaha is not on my list but have they had any rate increases in the past year?

Keep in mind, this is a script from a guy that has never sold a single Med Sup over the phone. But I've sold hundreds of them face to face. And if I had to sell over the phone, this would make the most sense to me.
Thank you all for the help, you gave me a lot to work with. I have only been calling for about 3 weeks made some sales and appointments but I know I am missing some because of my script or replies. I can feel it when they slip away.

Sent from my Samsung Galaxy
that is pretty strong script.

Paul is a master at scripting. Most of the folks here would be wise to pay close attention to what he posts here.

His critiques are direct and to the point but helpful.

"did I catch you at a bad time"...."Yes, click"... It is just too easy of an out for the prospect, dont give them this option.

Everyone is different, but I use this all the time. It doesn't matter to me if this is just a knee jerk reaction or if the really are busy. If they won't give me 3 minutes to see if what I have to offer is of interest, I am ready to move on.

My target market is the low hanging fruit. Enough of that around without having to chase them down and beat them up.
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When you get not interested or I am happy with what I have, how hard do you push? I find myself just saying ok thank you and moving on. Am I giving up to soon? This is for med supps.

Sent from my Samsung Galaxy

If it becomes obvious that you aren't going to get a meeting on the first call, change your goal to finding out who they currently have their supp with, treating them with enough kindness and respect that they will take you call again, put them in your CRM to follow up, especially when their carrier has a premium increase.
If it becomes obvious that you aren't going to get a meeting on the first call, change your goal to finding out who they currently have their supp with, treating them with enough kindness and respect that they will take you call again, put them in your CRM to follow up, especially when their carrier has a premium increase.

That is something I didn't try. Could lead to a sale down the road. Thanks

Sent from my Samsung Galaxy
I like it other than the pattern interrupt. I was trained in sales to avoid this, here is what most likely will be the answer to "did I catch you at a bad time"...."Yes, click"... It is just too easy of an out for the prospect, dont give them this option.

When you call the prospect cold, you have no idea what they're doing when they answer. They could be; watching Jerry Springer, planning a trip to WalMart or preparing Ramen noodle for lunch. When they are preoccupied is when you get "not interested". The most effective callers give them every "out" possible!

That's what makes a pattern interrupt essential - you make sure you have their attention.

Don't forget - "traditional" sales training and the status quo have produced a 95% failure rate in this business. They can't all be "lazy".
What you need to be able to do... is slow down the conversation enough to help avoid the ANRs (Automatic Negative Responses). That's why I really like the survey approaches. They are designed to ask a lot of questions and to get their input, instead of slamming down a 'final question' and asking for a decision.

Insurance (any kind of insurance) is complex, and not easily understood by most people. By slowing it down, and asking key questions, you can help the prospect understand what you do and build trust in you as an agent, all at the same time.

With surveys are you talking about calling and/or walking?
The mindset is the same whether calling or walking. Just ask some well-structured questions to get the other person to actually listen to you... (and you're listening to them)... and have a real conversation. Then set the appointment.

If you're just "verbally spamming" someone, you'll continue to get "not interested".