Nothing Will Stop Smokers From Lying



Under ACA, insurers are permitted to rate tobacco users up 50%. But what will carriers do when smokers answer "no" to the smoking question? Can't underwrite, test for cotinine, rescind, cancel, or deny claim.

I guess they'll try to collect the +50% they should have paid from day one. Fat chance.

Under ACA, non-smokers will subsidize smokers ... men will subsidize women ... younger will subsidize older ...healthy will subsidize sick ... and us working people will subsidize the "early retirees" who want gifts from their rich Uncle. We went from fighting for freedom to fighting for free stuff.
The updated rescision provision already took effect and carriers can still rescind policies in cases of fraud. I believe smoking is among the easiest fraud to prove.
Prove I didn't pick up smoking yesterday.

People forget to continue with the lie and when their doctor asks if they smoke and say yes. When carriers pull those records, you're burned.

But basically you're correct - as long as you're clever enough to lie to the doctor.
WinoBlues said:
I would be happy if they would just quit exhaling.

Exhaling is an intregral part of breathing. Are you saying you just want smokers to stop breathing?
Exhaling is an intregral part of breathing. Are you saying you just want smokers to stop breathing?

I do not care if they breath. If they smoke as long as I do not have to smell it I am good also.

Oh and use the ash try in the car and empty it at home not in the post office parking lot.

WinoBlues said:
I do not care if they breath. If they smoke as long as I do not have to smell it I am good also.

Oh and use the ash try in the car and empty it at home not in the post office parking lot.

I agree can't stand how smokers think nothing about littering.
WinoBlues said:
Nicer the car the more likely they will toss the butt out. Don't even get me started on dirty diapers in parking lots.:mad:

I need a beer.

I don't mind a dirty diaper in the parking lot but it is really uncomfortable when I dirty it at a nice restaurant.....