Obaba-Sebelius Plan is Up

Once again our gov attempts to treat the symptoms not the issues...I guess we know what we'll be hearing on the news for the next 6-12 weeks.
Yes, it is just the Readers Digest version of some of the key points of bills in both houses. Coldly received by Pelosi. Still has to make it through both houses and I am not convinced they have, or ever will have the votes to make anything close to this as law.

They have lost Murtha's vote and he won't be replaced until May. Abercrombie will resign any day to run for governor of HI. FL has a vacancy that won't be filled until April. Lautenberg has stomach cancer and will be out for a while.
You just don't understand what the bill is about John. The problem is simply they haven't communicated it very well. Now fall in line like a good soldier.
I am going to take a pass on reading it but I can guarantee you that they are moving for federal review and regulation of premiums. And the pubs walked right into the trap. They are not going to pass mega-obamacare through reconciliation but they are going to pick out the pieces where they have the moral high ground with the public and try to ram them. Fed reg of premiums is one such area. All the "yeh buts" from us do not matter.

If the republicans had forced them to take the bill down it would not be there to amend through reconciliation. The republicans are about to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory. I mean mega-Obamacare is dead but the republicans are giving them a few more turns at bat to get some things.

Just frigging unbelievable. How stupid can you get.

Obama was totally on the outs with the public for not posting the bill for public review and for not meeting with republicans so he scheduled a quickie one day thing to be able to say that he worked transparently and with republicans (one day as a substitute of a full year of lack of transparency and bipartisanship inclusion). Idiots. Just complete idiots.
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I am going to take a pass on reading it but I can guarantee you that they are moving for federal review and regulation of premiums. And the pubs walked right into the trap. They are not going to pass mega-obamacare through reconciliation but they are going to pick out the pieces where they have the moral high ground with the public and try to ram them. Fed reg of premiums is one such area. All the "yeh buts" from us do not matter.

If the republicans had forced them to take the bill down it would not be there to amend through reconciliation. The republicans are about to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory. I mean mega-Obamacare is dead but the republicans are giving them a few more turns at bat to get some things.

Just frigging unbelievable. How stupid can you get.

Obama was totally on the outs with the public for not posting the bill for public review and for not meeting with republicans so he scheduled a quickie one day thing to be able to say that he worked transparently and with republicans (one day as a substitute of a full year of lack of transparency and bipartisanship inclusion). Idiots. Just complete idiots.

how could the repubs have forced Pelosi or Reid to "take the legislation down"?
how could the repubs have forced Pelosi or Reid to "take the legislation down"?

They cant from a parliamentary point of view but they could just refuse to participate in anything such as this half-arsed summit unless they extracted a public commitment from Obama and the dems that there would be no reconciliation or the like. John Boner and Mitch McMconnel sent a letter asking for those assurances and the like and the dems made no such commitment so the repubs said they would meet anyway.

The pubs can't force them to take the bill down but they can just stay out of it and let them vote it up or down and then watch it die as it was well on its way to doing before the republicans decided to help them put it back on the heart-lung machine to see if they could get some piecemeal victories.

Now one might argue that the pubs cannot refuse to participate without taking a hit with the public. Exactly. And they will. Obama got ahead of them here. They should have been driving the process and turned it around so that they were telling the public that they stood ready to have a summit after the dems voted their bill up or down. Idiots, all of them. They have lost ground here and then this Anthem thing has come along which is gasoline on the fire. Idiots.
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