Obama Blames Congress

This guy is classic doublespeak.

Breitbart.tv Obama Blames Congress: 'I Didn't Make a Bunch of Deals' to Pass Health Reform

Now we know why he didn't get involved. He would have only had the mirror to blame. This way, there are so many options!


"We were focused on getting the policies right" Which ones would those be?

This is a guy who makes like he has been doing the right things but just has failed to sufficiently communicate with the public. The reality is that no president in history has given as many speeches, public appearances and constant, constant self promotion. Problem is it had not substance to it. You see him on TV and the speeches just all run together because there are so many of them.

He is paying a price for distancing himself from Congress because they are completely fed up with promoting his cockeyed plans and Pelosi's and then they get executed with the voters. Don't be surprised if when they try to run with this bill again that that Congress says the same thing that Obama does" I didnt vote for any backroom deals- the Senate did."

George Bush's fault of course.
Insert snappy one liner from Armydad here:

Eight years of failed George W. Bush policies.
Didn't Obama meet with Union leaders and then not too long after that meeting, the tax on cadillac plans for unions disappeared? Isn't that a "deal" he made?
Insert snappy one liner from Armydad here:

Eight years of failed George W. Bush policies.

I think the dems are beginning to mix it up wild and crazy now by throwing in the obligatory "you can't undo eight years of George Bush in just one year." That seems to be popular the last couple weeks and it is good to change your oil once every 100,000 miles or so.

Ho hum to that though.