Obama Getting Ready to Declare Victory

However, the house still needs to vote on the merged, amended and conferenced bill since it is not the one they approved the first time around

House is easy - to me thats not even open for debate if the merged bills will pass the House. Easy.
From Erick Erickson's Red State . . .

Don't believe everything you hear. The Senate Democrats are not on the verge of a collapse. They are on the verge of compromising every single thing they want just so they can get a "health care reform" bill passed.

Here's what I'm being told:

The Democrats have given Joe Lieberman everything he wanted. Joe will now vote for the bill.

Ben Nelson (D-NE) is being threatened with having every major military installation in Nebraska shut down. Yes, I know, but the Democrats are playing for keeps on this and health care "reform" is more important to them than the military.

Liberals are being told they have to accept this to given them any credibility going into next year's election. They don't want to be accused of "killing reform."

Lastly, the CBO scoring of the bill is going to look fine now that the Medicare affecting portions are going to be dropped.

Inevitably, this legislation is going to cause health care costs to skyrocket and force people into socialized medicine.

But Barack Obama and the Democrats don't care. They want to be seen as doing something and beating the Republicans — with what, they don't care.
House is easy - to me thats not even open for debate if the merged bills will pass the House. Easy.

Oh I can meet you more than halfway on the idea that they will get the Senate bill passed but I dont know about the "easy" part. You have a lot of libs and conservatives who want to make hay with this and position themselves for the 2010 election.

Keep in mind that this "merge" is not just a little parliamentary move. The Senate bill took the public option out. The House bill still has the public option in and it barely passed in the house. Whether the senate version makes it more or less palatable remains to be seen.

As stated, they will muddle through because Barry will sign and needs to sign anything at this point but you say that it is not even open to debate as to whether it will be an easy pass. If the house agrees with you then that will be true. If not, then they will bump and grind for a while and then the watered down version will pass.

My view: Prepare for ten days of bumping and grinding and dems slitting each other's throats. Our man Howard Dean came out yesterday and called for dems to scrap the whole the thing and start over rather than sign it.

Change you can believe in.
Roland Burris is reported to have withdrawn his support if the public option is not in the bill. He is just filling a seat and stands no chance of being elected when the term is up. He can do whatever he damn well pleases without repurcussion.
Keep in mind that this "merge" is not just a little parliamentary move. The Senate bill took the public option out. The House bill still has the public option in and it barely passed in the house. Whether the senate version makes it more or less palatable remains to be seen.

Obama is desperate and will sign anything, even if it is bad for the country - like most Democrats he simply does not care. There are only a select few that would actually benefit from this bill - most of us will lose, including the average middle class worker and seniors.

I am all for starting from scratch and coming up with real reform not the redistribution of wealth and hostile take over, which is all this amounts to.

Do I think the House will pass without a government option? Yes. House has a significant majority, Republicans truly do not have enough seats in either chamber to really stop this.
Do I think the House will pass without a government option? Yes. House has a significant majority, Republicans truly do not have enough seats in either chamber to really stop this.

Oddly enough, for a long time, it has been about how many democratic votes Obama has to support or stop something in both the Senate and the House. Kind of pathetic given the size of the majority they have.

Public option is out. The house has to do obligatory war dances for a week to ten days though. Once of them will be around abortion. In the end the dems are not going to turn down Bill Clinton's advice to take half a loaf rather than nothing and the dems are not going to turn down a chance to get control over one sixth of the economy which they will be doing. They can always turn the burner up more as we go forward.

Nevertheless, the dems are gong to be struggling to see where the "reform" is in "health reform" for quite a while to come. Howard Dean calling for them to kill it does not help them. Frigging bill is a mess.

"A camel is a horse designed by a committee"
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