Obama Not Closing on First Appt.

He's very intent on totally misleading people into thinking nothing will change.
Funny, I've been reading the bill and everything will change.

Let's call a spade a spade here (no pun intended).

Obama is simply another lying, pandering, spin-it-hard, promise-them-anything, two-faced politician. Democrat or Republican, it makes no difference.

Too many friggin' lawyers.
One of the many sub-crap parts of the bill would get rid of Health Savings Accounts. That allows you to increase your deductable and put the difference into a savings plan with a medical deduction even if you do not itemize.

I do this myself and it has been great. It was free market, it was a good incentive to have people put money aside for medical expenses, and..

Oh wait, it makes too much sense and it actually worked.
Let's call a spade a spade here (no pun intended).

Obama is simply another lying, pandering, spin-it-hard, promise-them-anything, two-faced politician. Democrat or Republican, it makes no difference.

Too many friggin' lawyers.

He is just one more in some ways. In other ways, he is dangerously above average.

In his first couple months in office he increased the federal debt 33% (or maybe that figure goes with the budget or both, can't remember). Just imagine what it would look like for a year-end total if he gets health care passed this year too (not gonna happen).

He is good at what he does. Unfortunatley, what he does is not good. But he is more than just one more politician in the scheme of things. He is a far, far, far let guy who is changing the country as we know it.

Gawwwwdd dahhhhm America. Nice, real nice. Some spiritual advisor and mentor.
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Let's call a spade a spade here (no pun intended).

Obama is simply another lying, pandering, spin-it-hard, promise-them-anything, two-faced politician. Democrat or Republican, it makes no difference.

Too many friggin' lawyers.

Very true. Law degrees are nice things to have, however common sense would better serve most of these morons. Now that Michael Jacksons house (Neverland) is for sale, maybe congress and the senate could move there, it seems a good fit to me.
I don't even have to watch tonight's press conference. Here's the recap before it even airs:

1) Nothing will change if you're happy with your plan
2) We're going to mandate guaranteed issue coverage, minimum standards for benefits and no pre-ex waivers - oh, and costs won't rise
3) Although the bill will cover 90% of all Americans no one will have to wait for care

He will not answer a single hard question:

1) If your group plan is "too expensive" you'll be allowed to choose an individual plan. Define "too expensive."

2) Don't worry middle class, we'll subsidize it if a plan is unaffordable. What's the cut-off? Oh...next question

3) How are we gonna pay for this? Uhh, tax the rich and next question
One of the many sub-crap parts of the bill would get rid of Health Savings Accounts. That allows you to increase your deductable and put the difference into a savings plan with a medical deduction even if you do not itemize.

I do this myself and it has been great. It was free market, it was a good incentive to have people put money aside for medical expenses, and..

Oh wait, it makes too much sense and it actually worked.

That's what the Dems want to do, get rid of HSA's because they can't tax it. If they can't tax it's not good, remember you have the tax and spend party in control.
remember you have the tax and spend party in control.

"The power to tax is the power to destroy." -Sp. Ct. 1819

Why did we understand all of this in the 19th century but we don't understand it today? Is it because anything a middle-age white guy did is irrelevant? Is it because human nature and the laws of economics are different?

Why are the American people even considering just handing over their own eventual destruction? My wife just wrote a letter to all of our Congressional representatives telling them they will be looking for a job after the next election if they vote for any of this crap.

Will it do any good? I don't know. There are just so damn many stupid and lazy people out there who do not have a clue. They have not been taught squat in the public schools about the sacrifices past generations have made to give them a soft and easy life. Crap, I guess we all deserve what is coming.
imho, the biggest problem is the rush to "get this done". It's way more important to get it right than it is to get it quick!

That is because he wants to put it all through before the American people figure out what he is all about. Next will be the 20 million illegal ALIENS he will legalize. We will pay their healthcare. Who do you think they will vote for??? Yes Obama picks up 20 million votes, he is not concerned about approval ratings he has the illegals in his back pocket. That locks up his second term of destruction, then what? Ever hear of Hugo Chavez?? He will continue to Nationalize remember.... Socialism to Marxism. The man is a naked communist. If you dont see that, you need to turn off Sportscenter...call me paranoid but history repeats itself...remember the Roman Empire?
Next will be the 20 million illegal ALIENS he will legalize.

Exactly. And it is not just Obama. The Dems in Congress can't wait to get those easy and perpetual votes.

It shows how low things have gotten when our elected representatives are willing to throw the country under a bus rather than risk being out of power for the next Tweedle-Dee Tweedle-Dum cycle.

The big deal with the left used to be over-population and how that was going to ruin the planet. They have since figured out that there is no political mileage in overpopulation hysteria. If you want to bring as many voters as possible into the country you have to shut up about the dangers of too much population (food shortages, plagues, pollution, starvation, war). Remember Paul Ehrlich (The Population Bomb) and his prediction that mass starvation would take place by the '80s? He was the darling of the left until someone figured out that you couldn't be pro-population control and pro-amnesty at the same time.

Global warming is a much more convenient way to take over and control economies than worrying about too many people.