Obama on ABC

Just thought I would post this I got an email this afternoon from a friend on the ABC broadcast. It is claiming that all the questions that were asked were staged not random questions. Not sure if it true or not but, it wouldn't surprise me one bit if it was true.
Of course it's true.

They would never take the chance of having random questions asked. It might be authentic.

It would also likely be boring.

Most consumers don't know the intricasies of insurance. While some might ask some probing questions, most wouldn't. Nobody would ask things like:
- Will the government plan abide by each states rules and laws? (of course not, but then, nobody is asking)
- Will the government plan have proper reserves set aside to deal with claims? (Probably not, why bother when you have the US treasury at your disposal?)
- Will the government plan negotiate rates with providers? Or will they dictate rates? So far, they are on the dictate rate side, something carriers wish they could do.
- Will the government plan pay for tests necessary to protect the doctor for malpractice suits? Oh, this is that waste they want to get rid of.
- Will the government plan cover illegal immigrants (for those who are PC, undocumented workers)?

Of course, most of these would be boring questions for the average consumer, but they speak to the level playing field that the President assures us they will have.

Can't say Arn. The only Roswell I have been to of late is in Georgia.

No signs of intelligent life there.