Obama Press Conference: Health Care

I think that for starters it means that if one wants to be in the individual health business for the long haul that they will need to be willing to take on more of a "med-supp mode" of selling and business model and apply that to the under 65 market and plans. By that I mean that the plans will be more standardized, marginal undewiting if any, and the agent will need to stack up a lot of little sales to build a book. However, if you can get to there from here it could be a very profitable venture.

Methinks anyway.

I for one have always been a full service financial planner ex-Stock Broker with the thundering herd. Over the last three years the online health insurance model has become my bread and butter because of the teachnology and the ease of going after low hanging fruit. I have to meet with someone if I want to move 20,000 into an annuity but I can move 5,000-10,000 in health insurance policies in a web share presentation. It became home based, was lucrative and eliminated my need to pay office expenses or a secretary.
If you have trouble understanding numbers in Washington, this might help

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So you can fathom a trillion dollars, quite disturbing:

What does one TRILLION dollars look like?

Here's another way.

A stack of $100 dollar bills stacked tightly on top of each other equals $1 million at about 3.5 feet high. So, a million dollars in hundreds is about waist high.

A trillion dollars in $100 bills stacked on top of each other would be 678 miles high.
Here's another way.

A stack of $100 dollar bills stacked tightly on top of each other equals $1 million at about 3.5 feet high. So, a million dollars in hundreds is about waist high.

A trillion dollars in $100 bills stacked on top of each other would be 678 miles high.

Charpress, being from Louisiana you know that there is at least one guy there who thinks it would take a lot of freezers to hold a trillion dollars.
Some of us have waist's that are closer to the ground than others. I might get short changed on my million.
Exchanges would mostly eliminate the agent. It's the only way the private sector could compete with the public - by reducing that overhead.

Adding many of us and all who support us to the unemployment lines does not seem to be an issue for this administration. 200k out of work is a low number considering about 2 million work in the insurance industry. Many won't survive. I would put job loss closer to 1 million if a govt plan gets going.

The only thing that might help us is if dr's prefer private insurance to public insurance.
Not a problem.

Obamacare will save or create 10,000,000 new patients who will all need life insurance.
Medicare Advantage, or at least the subsidy to it, are going to be history.

I'm not so sure about this.

Since O can't decide unilaterally, he's got to work with Congress.

It would certainly be politically charged, as Congresspersons(cowards that they mainly are) don't want to risk alienating the old folk, who vote like mad.

I mean really, every election we have all kinds of TV commercials here in the Tampa Bay area from those nice politicians, and how they are devoted to "protecting our seniors".

It'll be interesting to see how it plays out.