Obamacare - Expedited Appellate Court Review Ordered

He didn't order a stay because he found the whole law to be unconstitutional. It was on page 75 or 76 of his ruling.

Of course, Obama and company aren't challenging it... they are simply ignoring it. Kinda like DOMA or the New Black Panthers...
We have made no progress in two years in defining what Obamacare is or is not. It is just a generic term. Is Obamacare what Obama observes Congress passing or is Obamacare what Obama wants. People say that the judges refusal to stay the implementation of Obamacare means that Obamacare is moving forward. However, if Obamacare is what Obama wants then he is off telling the states they can do their own thing as long as it looks like something he wants. I guess this means Obama thinks he can change the Obamacare that was adopted by Congress because what Congress wants is superceded by whatever he thinks (I wont digress but we just saw another example of that with DOMA).

This has been the story for two years. The whole country, incuding Obama, talking about Obamacare but at no point could you look and find any legislation that was drafted and sponsored by the White House. I have kept up with everything so I will just ask: Did Pelosi and Reid sign up for this Obamare-in-the-States plan or are they still thinking Congress makes the laws?

Look for a resurge in the discussion of the public option before this over. Might be down the road a bit but you can set your clock by it. You might think that if it is moving toward the states that would be away from public option. True but the lefties will say that the whole thing is such a mess that there needs to be at least one common program that they can count on rather than being at the whim of the states. How would that work? I have no frigging idea. As I said, they are just flopping around on the deck now.

What a mess.
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