Obama's Last Ditch Effort...


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Now Obama has decided to incorporate a few republican ideas from the healthcare summit, to make the bill "appear" more bipartisan. And appearances is all it is.

Expanding existing malpractice reform programs? Give me a break. We need TRUE tort reform first and foremost in any bill.

Then he threw in a few undercover agents disguised as patients to help find abuses and waste in the healthcare system... :SLEEP:

Its all smoke and mirrors in hope that the liberal media will portray it as true bipartisanship.

Can you say last ditch effort????
Now Obama has decided to incorporate a few republican ideas from the healthcare summit, to make the bill "appear" more bipartisan. And appearances is all it is.

Expanding existing malpractice reform programs? Give me a break. We need TRUE tort reform first and foremost in any bill.

Then he threw in a few undercover agents disguised as patients to help find abuses and waste in the healthcare system... :SLEEP:

Its all smoke and mirrors in hope that the liberal media will portray it as true bipartisanship.

Can you say last ditch effort????

And for that reason, Mrs. Pelosi now says that the bill will be bipartisan even though it may not receive bipartisan support.
