OK Folks Here is Our Chance to Be Heard. Lets Help Trump

This is good stuff, but how do we get this type of information to the people that make decisions??

There are no people that make these decisions, yet. Trump and his advisers didn't realize he has to provide his own staff (as per WSJ article Sunday, and re-reported all over the internet).

He's taking applications. Online. https://www.greatagain.gov/ for info, https://apply.ptt.gov/ for the app.

Seriously, this is how he's recruiting to fill the staffer positions.

So, go apply, and you might very well be the one making the decisions.
A HEARTFELT MESSAGE TO All My Democrat Friends-----------------------

====Please accept with no obligation, implied or implicit, my best wishes for an environmentally conscious, socially responsible, low-stress, non-addictive, gender-neutral celebration of the winter solstice holiday, practiced within the most enjoyable traditions of the religious persuasion of your choice, or secular practices of your choice, with respect for the religious/secular persuasion and/or traditions of others, or their choice not to practice religious or secular traditions at all.

====I also wish you a fiscally successful, personally fulfilling and medically uncomplicated recognition of the onset of the generally accepted calendar year 2016, but not without due respect for the calendars of choice of other cultures whose contributions to society have helped make America great. Not to imply that America is necessarily greater than any other countries nor the only "America" in the Western Hemisphere.

====Also, this wish is made without regard to the race, creed, color, age, physical ability, religious faith or sexual preference.

To My Republican and Independent Friends----------------------------
Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
There are no people that make these decisions, yet. Trump and his advisers didn't realize he has to provide his own staff (as per WSJ article Sunday, and re-reported all over the internet).

He's taking applications. Online. https://www.greatagain.gov/ for info, https://apply.ptt.gov/ for the app.

Seriously, this is how he's recruiting to fill the staffer positions.

So, go apply, and you might very well be the one making the decisions.

Or, he has access to a deep bench and knows how to delegate:


Trump picks 'A-team' for healthcare transition as ACA repeal looms
By Virgil Dickson | November 11, 2016
(Story updated at 1:12 p.m. ET)

Sources say President-elect Donald Trump's transition team for HHS will be led by Andrew Bremberg, who worked at the agency under President George W. Bush and was an adviser to Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and during Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker's presidential bid. Bremberg was on Walker's team when the candidate unveiled a healthcare proposal that included repealing the Affordable Care Act and splitting Medicaid into smaller programs with separate funding.

Trump has also reportedly selected Paula Stannard to reportedly concentrate on healthcare reform measures. Stannard is a former deputy general counsel and acting general counsel of the HHS to advise more broadly on health reform initiatives. Stannard oversaw the food and drug, civil rights and legislation divisions of the 450-attorney HHS Office of the General Counsel. She also provided legal advice and counsel to senior HHS officials, including secretaries Tommy Thompson and Michael Leavitt.

"They bring a basic philosophy that we can advance our healthcare system by making sure that the patient is at the center of every single reform and that reforms are actionable - and result in less government intrusion," Peter Pitts, president of the Center for Medicine in the Public Interest and a former associate commissioner at the FDA, said of both Bremberg and Stannard.

Bremberg worked for the Mitt Romney campaign in 2012 with the direct responsibility for laying the groundwork for the repeal of the ACA.

"He understands the importance of an Obamacare replacement plan based on free market principles that will bring about affordable, accessible, quality care for all Americans," said Sally Pipes, former president and CEO of the Pacific Research Institute and one of Rudy Giuliani's four healthcare advisers in his bid for the Republican nomination for president in 2008.

Steven R. Eastaugh, a former adviser to President Barack Obama who helped write the ACA, said the picks give him confidence.

"(Trump) is choosing people that aren't crazy, just conservative in their thinking," said Eastaugh. "If there is going to be a retrenchment of the ACA, there would hopefully be minimal losses to access to care, and [Bremberg and Stannard] do care about things like access."

Stannard is the ideal choice to provide legal counsel to Trump if he fulfills his vow to tear down Obama's signature healthcare reform law, said Thomas Scully, who served as CMS administrator under President George W. Bush and had Stannard on his confirmation team.

Bremberg also has a knack for picking good staffers according to Tevi Troy, a former deputy HHS secretary in the Bush administration and the president of the American Health Policy Institute.

Others rumored to help advise the president-elect on healthcare include Ado Machida, a former corporate lobbyist and domestic policy aide to former Vice President Dick Cheney and Carlos Diaz-Rosillo, a lecturer at Harvard University.

Diaz-Rosillo will advise on what can be done via a presidential executive order. His research focuses on the American presidency, campaigns and elections, political leadership, public policy, and comparative chief executive politics.

Machida will advise generally on domestic policy, overseeing not just Stannard but also other advisers that will work with Trump on other topics such as VA reform, regulatory reform, education and energy independence
Go back to what it used to be, set up a national risk pool. Effective immediately allow insureds to buy an underwritten policy but leave the marketplace plans intact with subsidy for those who wish to remain until 12/31/2017. Expand medicaid to a national plan and leave qualification as is. Leave insurance penalties in place to fund medicaid.
Here in the Great Socialist State of California, brokers are legally prohibited from charging fees. We are STUCK with commissions that have been slashed by 98% in the IFP market. So my first order of suggestions for the health insurance business is to remove broker commission from the MLR and enable brokers to STAY in business!

Past that, I can hope (though I certainly don't expect) this administration will address real health CARE reform - i.e., take steps to bring the cost of medical care down. Somehow the academic geniuses who developed Obama's so-called 'Affordable' Care Act never figured out that insurance companies don't provide medical treatment, they only PAY for it. So put me down as a vote for price transparency.
Here in the Great Socialist State of California, brokers are legally prohibited from charging fees. We are STUCK with commissions that have been slashed by 98% in the IFP market. So my first order of suggestions for the health insurance business is to remove broker commission from the MLR and enable brokers to STAY in business!

Past that, I can hope (though I certainly don't expect) this administration will address real health CARE reform - i.e., take steps to bring the cost of medical care down. Somehow the academic geniuses who developed Obama's so-called 'Affordable' Care Act never figured out that insurance companies don't provide medical treatment, they only PAY for it. So put me down as a vote for price transparency.

After waiting 5 1/2 years for your 1st post, I'm left wanting more.:yes:
This is good stuff, but how do we get this type of information to the people that make decisions??

I don't sell health insurance... or any insurance for that matter. I work in M&A which puts me in close contact with the benefits industry, health insurance being one of those benefits.

I would think that NAHU would tell your story and (will) should have a seat at the table.


However, from what I hear, they threw you men and woman under the bus the last time around. I don't know the full story.

When I've had contact with NAHU (to get info) they were always helpful. Maybe they will be more responsive to you this time? Worth a try?

I don't see anyone else out there who is (or would be) interested in advocating an agent POV. Lots of good ideas here that should be considered by those who are going to write the new legislation.
In the next round, Doctors and other providers are going to come out of the woodwork to lobby hard. In the last sausage making, they just let their association say, "uh, yeah, we're for it". They won't do that this time! Doctors have been squeezed out of their private practices due to the ACA. Never again. Same thing for agents, medical device manufacturers, and other groups that were run over by the ACA. So, as agents we need to form a cohesive group and speak clearly.
In the next round, Doctors and other providers are going to come out of the woodwork to lobby hard. In the last sausage making, they just let their association say, "uh, yeah, we're for it". They won't do that this time! Doctors have been squeezed out of their private practices due to the ACA. Never again. Same thing for agents, medical device manufacturers, and other groups that were run over by the ACA. So, as agents we need to form a cohesive group and speak clearly.

Agents will be far, far down the totem pole......they'll receive no consideration whatsoever........ Just sayin'
If Trump gets health care wrong... boy oh boy there will be hell to pay.

1. Lets get some good ideas flowing to lower the costs of health insurance

2. ALSO Lets get some good ideas going to lower the cost of accessing health care and pharma.( something Obama and his cronies never addressed )

1. One year Pre-existing exclusion unless you have credible coverage letter
2. Make maternity benefits optional
3. Make mental health benefits optional
4. make rx benefits optional
5. SET UP high risk pools for those with sever chronic conditions that govt will subsidize.
6. Options on lifetime max 1 mil,2mil or 5 mil
7. Make health insurance tax deductible for all
8. Transparency on Medical costs. Never understood how you can go to a doctor or hospital and not actually know what it costs. This has got to change!

Please feel free to add to this list... As Agents We need to get a movement going! We cant get this wrong!

Joe Copson

1. This is absurd and no one supports this

2. Maternity is not optional. I was burned by this nonsense 3 times and it was and is discrimination againat women

3. mental is medical

4. rx benefits optional tell me you are joking

5. high risk pools for terrible overpriced coverage?

6. lifetime max maybe... it does very little to rates

7. agreed

8. agreed