Older Americans say they feel trapped in Medicare Advantage plans

So you expect people to ask questions about a subject they know nothing about? That's your job. To educate them so they can ask the right questions.

You're right. Wasn't Humana's fault. But may have very well been yours.

Did you take time to educate him about the differences between MA and OM. The pros and cons of both plans. Or did you just take his order.

Since I don't know you nor do I know what or how you sell, I can't say. But you can.


You're really really trying your best to make sure the person who has spent 65 years on God's green earth has absolutely no responsibility - blame the agent!

He "probably didn't sell hard enough for a Plan G policy."

Have you joined the class action lawsuits against McDonald's yet for the obese?

Gavin Newsome thanks you for your vote and support. I hope you personally pay back some of those college loans.
When I worked in banking customers claimed they weren't told about overdraft fees. When I was in P&C, they claimed they weren't told about the deductible.

People lie.

And I'm sure some people are mislead and misinformed. I switch people from supplements to MAPD's all the time because the beneficiary wasn't told about MAPD's.

They lie but they also don't pay attention.

How many times do we repeat ourselves?

How many times do people say, "you didn't say __." when, yes, we did.
I sat down with a T65 on Tuesday and he was dumbfounded and shocked that he would have to pay $174.70 per month for Part B.

No one ever told him.

We should probably waive that fee for him

If he has student loan debt, someone will probably waive that for him.

Just a short while ago I read that someone is suing a FB group.

One Chicago-area man found himself mentioned in the Facebook comments of his city's "Are We Dating The Same Guy?" group. It led to a $75,000 lawsuit.

That's not his fault. No one told him that being a jerk would have negative blowback. (no pun intended)

There are so many that are accustomed to paying $0-$100, that the very idea of paying a Medicare premium is unsettling.

Don't forget, most of us that have/had regular jobs paid Medicare taxes via payroll deductions for years. Many of them also expected Medicare to be "free".
rEadiNg ComPreHensiOn.....iT's A SkiLL. Can you show me the line where I said I never receive complaints? I said "they never run into these horrors." "Horrors" meaning, massive issues. There's a rather large difference.

To my knowledge, the longest one of my clients ever had to wait for an elective/non-emergency surgery PA was about 3 days. World ending!! I know. Emergencies....never had an issue. But since we're on the topic, the general complaint department is super small, and I talk to all these people regularly and make it a POINT to ask them about them.

Complaints are indeed very few and VERY far between. Usually minor goofy stuff that is often the fault of the doctor's office errors, delayed paperwork, etc. The few PA's are usually very quick. BUT...the AMAZING thing is over the past year CMS has passed new regulations to streamline any and all prior authorizations.

Insurers have also voluntarily reigned in PA's by about 20%, and the most common things that are always ordered are just getting auto-approved. I know the sky is always falling in the anti-Medicare Advantage world, but here in the real world and on the ground floor, satisfaction rates are still sky high. So, as I said before....something just isn't adding up.
I'm sure you've said no problems in the past, as several others have said...I carry a MAPD myself, so I'm not being biased when I say BS to never hearing about problems with MA.

I hAvE nO pRoBlEm wItH rEadiNg ComPreHensiOn. :biggrin: